Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Maron's current choices

Mr. Maron has not acknowledged the damage he has done to girls with serious mental health issues over the past 35 years.  He does not care about his past victims, victims who have been left in much worse condition when he is done with them.  There are many such victims, some who leave comments on his social media posts to this day.  These victims are suffering.  They are suffering from serious mental health diagnoses, serious addiction issues, serious issues with self-harming, and they often speak of ending their own lives.  Maron ignores their pain.  Yet he continues to groom more young damaged sexualized girls, who he will leave in that same condition later on.  He has never apologized for his oft admitted, and bragged about, obsession with fucking teen girls, and recently said he is compelled to have sex with them, even if he doesn't want to.  (His own words:  https://youtu.be/N57epLtJTm4?feature=shared ) After all of this predatory behavior, Maron is now starting to be an invited speaker in classrooms, and showing interest in the creation of books for children.  He is using his profession and celebrity status to place himself in positions where he can groom more young girls, where he can be held up as a safe person to bring into classrooms, where he can entice more correspondence with these girls and trauma-bond with more of them, and nobody is protecting these young people.

My old adventist principal, and a host of other sexual predators, are placed in positions of power over young people every day.  Society pays lip service to wanting to stop the atrocities these sexual predators commit, after the fact, but Maron is an example of what society actually allows, and even encourages, in real time. 

Marc Maron's reaction to my 8 months of reaching out to him, and my following 17 months of speaking out publicly about his predatory behavior, is to increase his public predatory behavior.  He does not believe it is wrong for old men to sexually exploit young, sexualized, mentally compromised girls.  He knows what he is doing, and he knows nobody will stop him.  He does not care about the pain and exploitation I, and others like me, experience. He does not care about the victims he has damaged, and left even more suicidal.  He is actively ignoring suicidal victims he has harmed, while actively placing himself into situations where he can continue to groom and exploit more of them.  Sexualized girls are seen as legitimate targets for old male predators, by Maron and by society.  Sexualized female young people are a group that can be exploited by a 61 yr-old men like Maron, and it is allowed and even encouraged. 

I will continue to speak out about Marc Maron's predatory behavior.  I do this, in spite of the egregious odds against society ever doing anything to protect damaged girls from this predator.  I do it for his past victims, and for his current victims, some of whom show up in Maron's social media posts, victims who are suffering even as Maron, purposely and with forethought, moves on to more victims.  

My life was stolen and destroyed by predators like Marc Maron.  No one cared.  My life didn't matter. My history, and the pain I wrote of, to try and explain to Mr. Maron how badly he is harming those like me, only made Maron want to double down on his predatory behavior. That is how little my words mattered to him.  He does not care about female victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation, unless he can groom and re-exploit such a victim.  Maron's victims deserve to be protected from this predator, a man who has exposed his genitalia on set, 13-stepped young addicts, and ignored a young suicidal victim in possession of a gun.  These victims matter.  They deserve to be protected.  

I hope someday, somewhere, sometime, society will finally listen, and stop sexual predators like Marc Maron.  He is actively using his job and status to groom more victims.  I will continue to actively speak out.