Friday, July 19, 2024

Social Work

Maron has talked about social workers in quite a few of his interviews with guests on WTF.  He did so again, just this week.  He often mentions the script he has written about a social worker, and has said he would like to play the lead himself.  

There is a reason so many damaged young survivors of sexual exploitation often experience re-exploitation at the hands of everyone they get sent to for help.  People like my old SDA principal, like the multitude of therapists/ministers/sponsors/"helpers" who re-exploited me since I was 13, gravitate towards "helping" others.  They know such jobs will offer them a supply of vulnerable people they can readily exploit.  When it specifically comes to sexualized children and young survivors of CSA, such "helpers" can get paid to get close to the damaged young person, then sexually re-exploit that person they are "helping."  And the very symptoms that young person displayed to land them in the vicinity of this helper in the first place, will leave that young person taking the blame for all of it.  This kind of job, and script storyline, would lend itself well to a predator like Mr. Maron. 

Marc Maron has been grooming vulnerable, much younger damaged girls for decades, and he is going to continue doing this, during the performance of his jobs, until he suffers actual consequences.  The children sitting in his audiences listening to him talk about his dick, the children sending him pictures of Mr. Snake, the 15 yr-old he has gotten close to and bonded with by giving her an expensive gift, the young crewmember cleaning on set who Maron flashed, the underage girls interacting with him online, the young survivors in recovery, the groomed young fans who believe he cares, nobody is protecting any of them.  Instead, he is being marketed to more children.

Clarence Maclin was recently on WTF.  He, as well as the wife of WTF's producer, Brendan McDonald, work with incarcerated men, in programs designed to help these young inmates escape the destructive cycles they are caught in.  If either Clarence or Brendan's wife took advantage of their job to exploit any of these young men in any manner, it would be seen as unethical. But a sexualized 13 yr-old girl can be sexually re-exploited by any "helper," and she will be blamed.  

Of course Maron has imagined himself as a social worker.  He has said he believes that when he is drawn to survivors of CSA, he is being "sensitive" to their abuse.  Maron is excellent at spotting survivors, and grooming them to trust him with their words about their abuse, but that is NOT sensitivity.  That is a predator spotting prey, and then getting off on the "enamored," "lunatic," girl with "daddy issues."  My whole life was spent caught in the re-exploitation cycle these predators keep survivors trapped in.  Nobody, at any point, ever protected me.  No one is protecting any young damaged survivors from Mr. Maron.

Once again, here are a few examples of Maron, publicly speaking about his desire to fuck teen girls.  He has been preying on this damaged vulnerable group for three and a half decades, and bragging about it publicly, until my post on April 26, 2023.  For every male Maron fan who says Maron helped them get sober, somebody needs to remember the girls he re-exploits, who are left much worse off by the "help" he gives them.   

There will be more victims.

Example of grooming


--Hadley Freeman

Saturday 16, June 2018

On his podcast, Maron has been excellent at calling comedians out for unacceptable behaviour. He has confronted people about joke-stealing and taken others to task for homophobia. So I wonder if he regrets any of his own past jokes. In 1999, he appeared on David Letterman and said he knew he was getting older when teenage girls stopped looking at him as a sexual being. “Don’t misunderstand: I’m not saying I want to have sex with teenage girls… I’m lying: of course I want to have sex with teenage girls. Come on, doesn’t everyone? That’s why there’s a law.” In 2014, he was interviewed on US TV and asked about his reputation for dating much younger women. “Yeah, resolving daddy issues since 1989. I’m here to help the young ladies,” he replied.

But when a male fan wrote to Maron recently to suggest that maybe he should take that Letterman clip down from his website, he was outraged.“What am I, a personal totalitarian state? I’m going to have to start erasing my history? I don’t think it’s an inappropriate joke. I mean, the idea that men want to have sex with teenage girls – really, are you shocked? It says a lot that somebody – that a man – would reach out and say, ‘It’s not a good look to have that joke up.’ What is happening?” he asks.

Marc Maron: ‘I’m familiar with coke, anger, bullying, selfishness’ | Comedy | The Guardian--

Guardian Interview

A Real Predator

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A post about my dog

 For over a quarter of my life, a precious being walked faithfully with me.  Yesterday, he walked on.

I will miss you, my Max.

U make me smile