"Quiet on Set," multiple episodes of SVU, Bones episode 3 of season 2, "Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields," are all examples of media bringing attention to the way adults sexualize and exploit children. At the same time such programs are being produced and aired, predators are still being marketed to children, and children are being placed in harm's way.
In this patriarchal society, adult men are allowed to get away with exploiting underage girls, and the girls are assigned the blame. Soon, Storyline Online, a SAG AFTRA foundation program, will once again promote Marc Maron's Thanksgiving book-reading created specifically for children, a reading performed by a 61 yr-old man who has publicly spoken of his desire to have sex with teen girls for the last 35 years. Maron has recently spoken on his WTF podcast of his current interest in visiting high school drama programs, and voiced an interest in children's books. He has actively groomed teen girls from the stage, online, and in his personal life. He claims these girls are the ones enamored with him, and has said he "cannot say no," when they respond to his grooming. He has 13-stepped teen girls in AA, and knows AA can do nothing about it. He admitted, in an Instagram Live, to illegally exposing his genitalia to a crew member on set, two years ago in Canada.
This self-proclaimed predator is growing his access to children, and no one is protecting the sexualized girls he will continue to groom and exploit. Every SVU episode, the Epstein saga, the atrocities at Nickelodeon, none of this media attention makes any real difference, in a society where predators like Maron are given free access to children, and actively marketed to them. Sexualized children in our society are fed to this man, and predators just like him, with a wink and a smile.
I hope more parents continue to find my posts, and realize they do not want to let their children believe this man is safe. I will continue posting, because every parent or guardian or concerned adult I have reached, may have meant one less potential victim made available to this predator. I thank each of the concerned adults who has read my words, and taken steps to protect a child they know. It makes a real difference. It matters.
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