Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Maron's current choices

Mr. Maron has not acknowledged the damage he has done to girls with serious mental health issues over the past 35 years.  He does not care about his past victims, victims who have been left in much worse condition when he is done with them.  There are many such victims, some who leave comments on his social media posts to this day.  These victims are suffering.  They are suffering from serious mental health diagnoses, serious addiction issues, serious issues with self-harming, and they often speak of ending their own lives.  Maron ignores their pain.  Yet he continues to groom more young damaged sexualized girls, who he will leave in that same condition later on.  He has never apologized for his oft admitted, and bragged about, obsession with fucking teen girls, and recently said he is compelled to have sex with them, even if he doesn't want to.  (His own words:  https://youtu.be/N57epLtJTm4?feature=shared ) After all of this predatory behavior, Maron is now starting to be an invited speaker in classrooms, and showing interest in the creation of books for children.  He is using his profession and celebrity status to place himself in positions where he can groom more young girls, where he can be held up as a safe person to bring into classrooms, where he can entice more correspondence with these girls and trauma-bond with more of them, and nobody is protecting these young people.

My old adventist principal, and a host of other sexual predators, are placed in positions of power over young people every day.  Society pays lip service to wanting to stop the atrocities these sexual predators commit, after the fact, but Maron is an example of what society actually allows, and even encourages, in real time. 

Marc Maron's reaction to my 8 months of reaching out to him, and my following 17 months of speaking out publicly about his predatory behavior, is to increase his public predatory behavior.  He does not believe it is wrong for old men to sexually exploit young, sexualized, mentally compromised girls.  He knows what he is doing, and he knows nobody will stop him.  He does not care about the pain and exploitation I, and others like me, experience. He does not care about the victims he has damaged, and left even more suicidal.  He is actively ignoring suicidal victims he has harmed, while actively placing himself into situations where he can continue to groom and exploit more of them.  Sexualized girls are seen as legitimate targets for old male predators, by Maron and by society.  Sexualized female young people are a group that can be exploited by a 61 yr-old men like Maron, and it is allowed and even encouraged. 

I will continue to speak out about Marc Maron's predatory behavior.  I do this, in spite of the egregious odds against society ever doing anything to protect damaged girls from this predator.  I do it for his past victims, and for his current victims, some of whom show up in Maron's social media posts, victims who are suffering even as Maron, purposely and with forethought, moves on to more victims.  

My life was stolen and destroyed by predators like Marc Maron.  No one cared.  My life didn't matter. My history, and the pain I wrote of, to try and explain to Mr. Maron how badly he is harming those like me, only made Maron want to double down on his predatory behavior. That is how little my words mattered to him.  He does not care about female victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation, unless he can groom and re-exploit such a victim.  Maron's victims deserve to be protected from this predator, a man who has exposed his genitalia on set, 13-stepped young addicts, and ignored a young suicidal victim in possession of a gun.  These victims matter.  They deserve to be protected.  

I hope someday, somewhere, sometime, society will finally listen, and stop sexual predators like Marc Maron.  He is actively using his job and status to groom more victims.  I will continue to actively speak out.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Prescient Hindsight

Sexualized children are not being helped in our society.  My life was directly affected by this failure, and sadly, this continues to be the truth for children currently being sexually exploited and trafficked.  This is why I decided to speak out publicly in this blog about a specific predator, starting on April 26, 2023.  Until people start to name and call out, in real time, the predators who target and re-exploit sexualized children, such children will continue to experience lives subject to continuing re-exploitation. That hindsight everyone suddenly says they have after viewing programs like "Quiet on Set," will never be transposed into timely protection and prevention, unless people finally decide to call out predatory behavior, as it is occurring. 

This is a summation of a few of Marc Maron's current words and behaviors that are red flags.  Paying attention in real time is the only way to protect current potential victims. 

Maron has recently spoken of his desire to attend high school plays, and has shown interest is children's books and growing his underage audience, and has just this month spoken of saying he thinks he would probably have been a teacher or a therapist, if he had not gone into comedy.  (This was on his recent "Ask Marc Anything" WTF+ episode, behind a paywall.)  A man who has spent 35 years purposely targeting mentally compromised teens who suffer from SI, SH, and substance abuse issues, in order to sexually exploit them, is not a person who has any business being around any youth, especially those in need of professional help.  A 60 yr-old man who has, on countless occasions for over 3 decades, publicly spoken of his desire to fuck teen girls, has no business being marketed to children.  A man who grooms underage girls, then claims they are "lunatics" who are "enamored" with him, and he is unable to say "no" to them, is displaying red flags.

Sadly, therapists/teachers/ministers/helpers who target sexualized teens are able to steal the lives of CSA/trafficking survivors like me, and get away with this regularly.  My life is an example of how those in the "helper" professions so often get away with re-exploiting people who need to be protected from such exploitation, not subjected to more of it.  Those in "helper" professions are often allowed to get away with sexually exploiting damaged young people.  Marc Maron has no compunction about saying he would want to be a therapist or teacher or social worker.  No wonder I was re-exploited over and over, and was then blamed for how I was harmed by the very people our society pays to help people with histories like mine.  Predators like Maron often choose those very professions where they will have access to such vulnerable youth.  Maron can spend 30 plus years obsessed with teen girls, and still feel comfortable saying he would have made a good teacher or therapist.  

Maron has made a substantial part of his living exploiting and blaming young victims, getting access to groom and blame such victims in his work, garnering laughs at the expense of these mentally compromised girls, joking about them and berating them from the stage, and this predatory behavior has been accepted.  He is marketed to children, and this is not viewed as problematic. Vulnerable youth are actively being groomed and exploited by this predator.  Once he is done with them, and his victims are left suicidal, he shows no remorse or concern.  He has not once shown any compassion for those like myself, who are damaged by predators like him.  His reaction the past 2 years to my words shows exactly how he regards sexualized and traumatized teen girls.  When/if any of his victims finally speak up, people will claim ignorance, or blame the victims, but there has been ample evidence for the last three and a half decades, and nothing is being done to protect young people from this predator.  Every new generation of youth Maron targets could be protected, but no one one is doing that for any of them.  

Maron is free to speak about his dick in front of kids. He can brag that he has enough "game" to have convinced a number of much younger girls to get abortions, yet also brag about never using condoms.  He will not get a vasectomy, yet he does not want children.  He has bragged about giving herpes to one of his exes.  This 60 yr-old man is targeting mentally compromised teens, and this is what he exposes them to.  This is all out there, in his IG Lives, his specials, his IFC TV show, his Intros and podcasts, his interviews and late night appearances.  

Maron wrote and will be directing and starring in an independent movie this fall. There is no requirement for Intimacy Coordinators in the US, and Maron has already shown his ability to get around the safety such Coordinators are supposed to bring to sets, when he exposed his genitalia on the set of Delores Roach in Canada. Whatever "dark subject matter" Maron's script is about, the darkness of what he is capable of getting away with on set is as destructive as anything done by every other known predator in the entertainment industry. Maron's victims are not being protected, and it isn't because his predatory behavior is hidden. It's just been blatantly ignored for 35 years.  

No one is protecting sexualized children from this known predator.  But I'm damn well gonna keep doing my best to speak out.  


Monday, September 9, 2024

"I'm curious about children's books."

"Like, I'm curious about children's books."  Marc Maron, on today's WTF episode, at 1:25:44.

This old sexual predator is worming his way into more interaction with/around/regarding children, and no one is protecting any children from him.  A man who has spent 35+ years publicly saying he wants to fuck teen girls, a man who exposed his genitals on the Delores Roach set, is focusing more on children. He is doing it because he can.  Because, just like my pedo adventist school principal, he knows nobody cares about sexualized children, and society will keep handing him the bodies of female children, and blame those children, while he keeps grooming more.

Society never spoke up for me.  My church, my family, no one ever spoke out for me.  Fuck that.  I will never be silent.  

Monday, August 12, 2024

Generational Trauma

 In Maron's podcast intro and dispatch today, he once again stated that part of why he has never wanted children, is because he did not want to continue the generational trauma and pain that did so much damage to him.

Maron's victims now include girls young enough to be his grandchildren.   Some of his victims have children.   Maron's exploitation of their mother's have most definitely not made those kid's lives better.  Maron may not have passed his generational trauma on to any known blood offspring, but his exploitation of those from younger generations has most definitely carried his pain into the future.   The latest children on deck to be harmed by this man are now from the generation young enough to be his great-grandchildren.  For each victim Maron exploits, and labels "enamored" "lunatics" when he is done with them, the outer world continues confirming Maron as a person to be looked up to, a celebrity who is safe enough to be marketed to children.  His victims have no choice but to blame themselves for Maron's predatory behavior. 

Maron's chosen behavior toward much younger damaged humans has been deleterious for each of them, and will continue doing damage for generations to come.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Philosophy of Forward Progression

TLDR warning:  This post describes in detail how some left-leaning patriarchal predators have incorporated terms like "forward thinking" and "progressive" and "freedom," to excuse the predatory behavior they want to be "free" to "explore" with children.  (The operative word here is "children."  The rights of adults interacting with other adults in society are not the subject of this post.)  Patriarchy has been incorporating rightwing words for centuries, in order to control female children.  The ease with which the left has been swayed to accept this same technique, has allowed predators to maintain their access to female children in subtle, yet just as controlling and harmful, ways.   A shorter summation can be found at the end of this post, for those who would rather read a condensed version. 

As with most of the posts in this blog, there is a CSA trigger warning, for anyone reading this full post.

I became a wife at five.  I actually believed this for a good portion of my childhood.  I whispered this, once, to a classmate in 1st grade, as I pointed to the man leading our music class.  We were in a room above the back area of our adventist school gym, on the outskirts of a city in the PNW.  The man was having us all move like teapots, as a record played on a portable turntable that could be folded up to look like a tan suitcase.  I had been told I was the "secret wife" of this man, so I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.  Somehow, my future stepmother, Pam, found out I had told someone my secret.  I was removed from that 1st grade class, and placed in a 2nd grade classroom with a teacher who would make sure I wasn't being bad.  That teacher, Ms. R, kept me from talking to anyone, with a look that would make the spot between my shoulder blades tighten and turn cold.  I made sure I never told anyone else that secret.

My father would watch me and my baby sister, whenever my mom was working her shifts as an RN in a local hospital.  She worked long hours, with lots of on-call time, so my father watched us a lot.

My father began taking us to pam's apartment for bible studies while my mom was gone.  My mom knew my father was trying to help a "troubled" woman named pam, by having bible study visits with her.  These kinds of visits were a normal part of adventist church members spreading the three angels' message to a lost world, so my mom believed my father was doing a good thing.  For me, this was just the way things were.

pam sometimes poured something brownish into my sister's bottle, along with sugar and milk, or juice or kool-aid.  The big glass bottle that held this brownish substance would sparkle under the light in pam's kitchen, turning the contents inside into a goldish sloshy mercurial substance.  My sister was not always eager to drink this mixture, but once she started, she would quickly lean into her blanket on pam's living room naugahyde couch.  I had to be very quiet and very good, so I wouldn't wake my sister up.  If I was good, pam would turn on her TV.  We didn't have a TV in my home, so I enjoyed this, and was very careful to be good.

pam sometimes took hold of my hand and led me out to her car, to go on visits with others, in other homes around that area where we all lived.  Sometimes others I saw at church would be visiting, too.  Sometimes before we went on these visits or before we got out of pam's car, she would get a syringe out of her bag, and give me a shot she told me I needed.  Having been treated in medical settings since 5 months of age for a birth defect, I saw this as a normal part of life, and just obeyed.  The shot would make me feel tickly inside, and make pam sound slower.  Everything got slow and confusing.  I was very careful to be good.  It was something pam had to remind me of a lot, because I couldn't figure out what was happening very well, after those shots. 

On one visit, pam forgot my shot.  She made me look at her in the car, and told me I was so special, I was so grown up and so good, that I was going to become a "special, secret wife."  She said other kids aren't allowed to do this, because they aren't as grown up as me.  She said I had to be very good, and I had to obey.  I understood those last words.  She got out, and I wondered why she forgot to give me a shot.  

This was the first time I was vaginally raped.  I will describe no more of what took place.  I don't remember that scene in words.  That memory was filed when I had no concept of words to begin to define it.  It remains in that file as it was experienced.  Nobody will ever infect or appropriate or corrupt or redefine, or enjoy, the atrocity contained in that file.

Eight years later, when the adventist principal at another church-school in the PNW first met me, he immediately motioned and had me sit right next to him.  His leg leaned into mine.  I was thirteen, and in that one moment of unexpected adult attention, I suddenly felt a sense of something that I believed was safety.  If any other adult would have noticed this extremely inappropriate moment between an older adult male first grooming a female child, my whole life could have looked very different.  Sadly, in a patriarchy, such moments are viewed under a glass so distorted, most people are unable to accurately define the reality of what is happening.  The female child is habitually labeled the aggressor, and the male adult is viewed as unsuspecting prey, powerless against the wiles of a calculating opponent who will potentially do them great harm.  Religions use this to rail against the evils inherent in those identified as female at birth.  The religious right often allows for female children to be married to adult males, because patriarchal belief systems see this as part of what female children need, due to their inherent character defects at birth.  Patriarchal societies for millenia have been built around this one sexist ideology.   It is embedded in the most accepted stories and myths and texts that have been allowed to be taught as history, for countless generations. It is so common, so foundational, the left can be as easily influenced by this misogynistic tenet as the right, and both sides remain blind to the truth within this dynamic.  That's because the means used by the left to perpetuate this foundational misogyny is diametrically framed with differing definitions than the right uses.  

My biblically informed church defined that first meeting I had with their paid school administrator, as something I caused, something I could be blamed for, something I wanted.  They defined every one of this principal's sexual encounters with female students as encounters those female children caused to happen.  That is why this particular crime has always been, and continues to be, prevalent.  My church did not protect children like me.  Most churches still don't.  Most societies don't.  Female children to this day are regularly handed to adult males, worldwide.  This crime occurs under the strictest fascist regimes, and the most progressively minded egalitarian democracies. This one crime is embraced fully by all.

As women have gained rights, the access adult males have to female children has not decreased.  It's simply morphed into something more palatable, under the guise of one simple word, a word so vital to the equality of women, the use of this word can silence a room full of concerned left-leaning adults by its mere utterance.  This word is "choice."  

On the day my sda school principal first met me and had me sit next to him, if any concerned adult had protectively tried to interfere and take me away from that principal I had just met, my heart would have broken.  I had just experienced something that had never before happened in my childhood: I had felt seen and safe.  If that hypothetical concerned adult had asked me if everything was okay, I would have said yes.  And I would have meant that with every fiber of my being.  I had no way to see that first moment of grooming in any other manner.  I was incapable of seeing that absolutely criminal moment as anything other than safe.  I was a sexualized, brutalized, terrorized child.  I wouldn't have recognized real safety if it was being handed to me in a chocolate bar placed in my lap by a fluffy golden retriever.  I was a destroyed child.  What I believed, what I felt toward any situation, was informed by a child's brain.  I was a child, absolutely incapable of making any informed choice.  Full stop.

In a society made up of humans, sexual crimes against children are going to happen.  The choices made by adult citizens are the only hope that exists to protect children.  No child will be capable of forming the answer to such crimes.  The safety and protection of children is the exclusive responsibility of the adults in that child's society.  To take that first moment of safety I mistakenly believed I felt when I was drawn in by a sexual predator, and frame it as an informed choice I was making, is to hand a child to a sexual predator.  Nothing about that is progressive or protective.  It is culpability in the act of a crime.  No child is ever precociously mature enough to be blamed for the sexual crimes committed by adults. 

TLDR summation:

Marc Maron uses terms that are employed by child predators everywhere, to validate his desire to be free to prey on sexualized teen girls.  He has a documented history of this behavior.  In 2023, he spoke about this in many of his public guestspots on podcasts and his own Instagram Lives, many of which I have posted links to in this blog since April of 2023.  He has spoken of this behavior for three and a half decades from the stage.  He wrote this behavior into scripts for his TV show "Maron."  He has bragged about and defended this predatory behavior in multiple print interviews for decades.  He has spoken of this behavior in his WTF Podcast intros, and employed his grooming methods throughout dozens of WTF guests' interviews since the inception of his podcast in 2009.  He has been using terms like "forward thinking," "free to live as one desires," "marginal, interesting, risky," "brain-bending creative risk-taking," "a zone to be as freaky as one wants," "freedom to explore creatively and personally," in the attempt to normalize the predatory sexual behavior he has chosen to take part in his whole adult life.  nambla members use those same words and phrases to defend what they define as "love," when they sexually exploit male children.  In a patriarchy, nambla's misuse of such words and phrases are more often recognized for what they really mean, because a patriarchal society sees that predatory behavior as an actual crime, while believing female children are born with an inherent precocious maturity and understanding, and a desire to experience such sexual crimes.  They see female children as somehow capable of knowing the dark truths behind the misogynistic sexual exploitation they regularly experience.  They see female children as willing, consensual participants in sexual crimes committed against them.

The right blames female children for sexual crimes committed against them. The left believes a female child chooses to participate in sexual crimes committed against them, and if anyone says otherwise, they are told they are "infantalizing" such a child.  Following such logic, Joe Camel might still be marketed toward children, if cigarette companies had simply framed their defense with the outrageous premise that it is infantalizing children, to deny any child the right to choose to smoke.  

Left and right ideologies can both be used by predators to perpetuate sexual exploitation of female children. The results are exactly the same, regardless.  Female children, who are forever caught in diminished lives of constant sexual re-exploitation, with no way to conceive of anything else for many years, if ever. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Social Work

Maron has talked about social workers in quite a few of his interviews with guests on WTF.  He did so again, just this week.  He often mentions the script he has written about a social worker, and has said he would like to play the lead himself.  

There is a reason so many damaged young survivors of sexual exploitation often experience re-exploitation at the hands of everyone they get sent to for help.  People like my old SDA principal, like the multitude of therapists/ministers/sponsors/"helpers" who re-exploited me since I was 13, gravitate towards "helping" others.  They know such jobs will offer them a supply of vulnerable people they can readily exploit.  When it specifically comes to sexualized children and young survivors of CSA, such "helpers" can get paid to get close to the damaged young person, then sexually re-exploit that person they are "helping."  And the very symptoms that young person displayed to land them in the vicinity of this helper in the first place, will leave that young person taking the blame for all of it.  This kind of job, and script storyline, would lend itself well to a predator like Mr. Maron. 

Marc Maron has been grooming vulnerable, much younger damaged girls for decades, and he is going to continue doing this, during the performance of his jobs, until he suffers actual consequences.  The children sitting in his audiences listening to him talk about his dick, the children sending him pictures of Mr. Snake, the 15 yr-old he has gotten close to and bonded with by giving her an expensive gift, the young crewmember cleaning on set who Maron flashed, the underage girls interacting with him online, the young survivors in recovery, the groomed young fans who believe he cares, nobody is protecting any of them.  Instead, he is being marketed to more children.

Clarence Maclin was recently on WTF.  He, as well as the wife of WTF's producer, Brendan McDonald, work with incarcerated men, in programs designed to help these young inmates escape the destructive cycles they are caught in.  If either Clarence or Brendan's wife took advantage of their job to exploit any of these young men in any manner, it would be seen as unethical. But a sexualized 13 yr-old girl can be sexually re-exploited by any "helper," and she will be blamed.  

Of course Maron has imagined himself as a social worker.  He has said he believes that when he is drawn to survivors of CSA, he is being "sensitive" to their abuse.  Maron is excellent at spotting survivors, and grooming them to trust him with their words about their abuse, but that is NOT sensitivity.  That is a predator spotting prey, and then getting off on the "enamored," "lunatic," girl with "daddy issues."  My whole life was spent caught in the re-exploitation cycle these predators keep survivors trapped in.  Nobody, at any point, ever protected me.  No one is protecting any young damaged survivors from Mr. Maron.

Once again, here are a few examples of Maron, publicly speaking about his desire to fuck teen girls.  He has been preying on this damaged vulnerable group for three and a half decades, and bragging about it publicly, until my post on April 26, 2023.  For every male Maron fan who says Maron helped them get sober, somebody needs to remember the girls he re-exploits, who are left much worse off by the "help" he gives them.   

There will be more victims.

Example of grooming


--Hadley Freeman

Saturday 16, June 2018

On his podcast, Maron has been excellent at calling comedians out for unacceptable behaviour. He has confronted people about joke-stealing and taken others to task for homophobia. So I wonder if he regrets any of his own past jokes. In 1999, he appeared on David Letterman and said he knew he was getting older when teenage girls stopped looking at him as a sexual being. “Don’t misunderstand: I’m not saying I want to have sex with teenage girls… I’m lying: of course I want to have sex with teenage girls. Come on, doesn’t everyone? That’s why there’s a law.” In 2014, he was interviewed on US TV and asked about his reputation for dating much younger women. “Yeah, resolving daddy issues since 1989. I’m here to help the young ladies,” he replied.

But when a male fan wrote to Maron recently to suggest that maybe he should take that Letterman clip down from his website, he was outraged.“What am I, a personal totalitarian state? I’m going to have to start erasing my history? I don’t think it’s an inappropriate joke. I mean, the idea that men want to have sex with teenage girls – really, are you shocked? It says a lot that somebody – that a man – would reach out and say, ‘It’s not a good look to have that joke up.’ What is happening?” he asks.

Marc Maron: ‘I’m familiar with coke, anger, bullying, selfishness’ | Comedy | The Guardian--

Guardian Interview

A Real Predator

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A post about my dog

 For over a quarter of my life, a precious being walked faithfully with me.  Yesterday, he walked on.

I will miss you, my Max.

U make me smile


Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 I wrote a post here, on Aug. 2, 2023, which surprised me when it netted a few correct responses.  Today, a woman who saw Maron's recent Seattle show, unwittingly wrote her own correct response to that challenge.  That audience member's response is at the end of this post.  Here is a link to the post I wrote last August:  Challenge

Blue comedy is great.  Many adults enjoy it.  I enjoy it.  The first laugh I had, after 3 years of being unable to find humor in much of anything, was listening to Maron describe Mike Pence at the Second Coming, in "End Times Fun."  Brilliant.  Really hit my ex-adventist, time-of-trouble-resurrection-jesus-coming-back-in-the-clouds funny bone.  I will always remember that first real laugh I had expressed in years. 

I can enjoy adult comedy of all kinds.  But since I went down that Millennial Moment Maron rabbit hole, I discovered something important.   I can enjoy adult comedy, as long as the comedian delivering the comedy does not target mentally compromised girls with substance abuse issues for sexual exploitation, does not expose their genitals illegally,  and does not groom underage girls and let themselves be marketed to children.

Has society forgotten what child sexual abuse, and sexual assault, are?  The neighbor who talks about masturbation to youth next door, the old man who talks about his genitalia in front of kids at a park, the adults exposing their genitals to anyone, these are predatory behaviors.   

Marc Maron's current material is being framed by Maron as him "exposing" himself to his audience.  He makes it sound like he is being vulnerable in what he is currently doing from the stage.  But this exposure is not vulnerability.  He is the creepy old man parents once had arrested at the park.  Kids are now allowed in his audiences.  He is being paid to get away with behavior that once got old predators arrested.   He has turned child abuse into subject matter that he is using to bring focus to the one thing all flashers want people to be aware of:  their dicks.  

My last post, The Grooming Continues, is an example of the results Maron's current onstage grooming creates in young fans.  He has groomed and fucked young fans for 3 and 1/2 decades.  He has purposely targeted very young damaged survivors of CSA who exhibit serious symptoms that include suicidal ideation and self-harming.  He has 13-stepped young girls in recovery.  He has written about his compulsion for young girls in his IFC show, "Maron."  He has spoken quite openly about his predatory feelings for teen girls since his Conan late night appearances, from the stage, and in interviews:

He receives DM's from underage girls as they communicate with him on social media, and children draw his Mr. Snake animated character to send to him.  Maron exposed his genitalia to a young crewmember on set in Canada.  These behaviors, on a playground most anywhere, would land this man in jail.  

Here is a picture of Maron walking to his recent Seattle show.  This pic was posted the following day.  In the comments, one fan who had just seen that show expresses exactly what Maron's onstage words are meant to leave his "all ages" audience members thinking about:  his dick.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Grooming Continues

Maron's current tour includes subject matter that addresses many of the things I tried bringing to his attention for 8 months, from the end of 2022 thru spring of 2023.  After I witnessed a second Maron victim experience an escalating crisis (the 2nd such crisis I witnessed during those previous 8 months), I went public here on my blog, regarding Maron's behavior.  During those previous 8 months, Mr. Maron guested on some podcasts, speaking about his penchant for the young, and blame-shifting his 35 years of grooming onto their shoulders.  Here is a 12 minute compilation of some of those words:  Maron's words from 2023.  

Since April 26, 2023, when I went public about Mr. Maron's predatory behavior here in my blog, Mr. Maron has spent a number of his WTF intros and Instagram Lives speaking about a desire to have children attend more of his adult shows, as well as admitting to actively grooming a 15 yr-old by getting close to her and giving her an expensive gift.  As his latest tour started, his subject matter has included him speaking about the very things I tried to interact with him about privately for 8 months.  I cannot legally place any recordings or transcripts from his current tour into this blog.  I will not use the descriptions of his latest material that some concerned members of his audiences have sent to me.  But as more of his fans react to his current material in public forums, I will post some of those words here, as examples of how Maron seems to be addressing his 35 years of predatory behavior.

Maron's recent show in Vancouver, BC, on June 21st this past weekend, contains an excellent example of the ongoing grooming Maron continues using on his fans.  The following public Reddit post, by a young groomed fan of Maron's, is the exact reaction Maron is always going to get, unless/until he consciously stops the behavior he employs to get that desired response from the damaged young demographic he has targeted for sexual exploitation the past three and a half decades.  This young fan was drawn in by Maron while this fan was still in her teens, as she was undergoing traumatic events in her life.  Her following words are the very reaction Maron has been aiming for, whenever he uses the phrases he has always made sure to use in his podcast intros, and from the stage shows he has performed since 1989.   He purposely gets the attention of damaged fans, and makes it clear he wants them to approach him in real life.   He encourages his young fans to develop an actual trauma-bonding moment with him in real life, while leading them to believe he needs help "accepting" their "love."  He publicly makes clear his penchant for young girls with "daddy issues," in order to draw in his damaged young fans, each one truly feeling like they can comfort this man, believing he wants them to help him accept love.  He sets his young fans up to approach him.  He has spoken of how much he enjoys naked pictures from young fans, ever since the 2nd episode of WTF aired on 9/6/09 (behind a paywall, so I cannot quote it here.)   Sexually traumatized young survivors are highly susceptible to the words Maron has been using for years, some words which he has been weaving into his stage act longer than his current victims have been alive.

The words by this young groomed fan, which were posted in a Reddit group for Maron followers, display the exact reaction Maron is going for, when he uses certain phrases.  Here is a small section of her words, describing the very reaction Maron's grooming is meant to elicit from his most vulnerable young fans:  

"To be honest he seemed a bit frazzled and tired. The audience was very affectionate to him. Someone yelled out we love him and he said thank god but it’s hard to accept. A few times he put his hand over his eyes and paused a long time. At the end he said he’d be around to talk. That’s why I wanted to speak to him after, sort of see if he’s okay and appreciate him.  ..."

This is the response Maron knows how to evoke from young damaged survivors.  This is the dogwhistling of a grooming predator.  Maron can make these young damaged fans feel like he is bonding with them, he needs them to come up to him afterward, he needs them to comfort him.  Once they approach him, he can use them at will, and when he is done, he can abandon them, and tell everyone how these young people are all so "enamored " with him, how he doesn't even truly "want" to have sex with them (In the 2018 Guardian interview I referenced in my post on April 26, 2023, Maron says "of coures" he "wants to have sex with teen girls"), and they are "lunatics" taking advantage of him.  These young fans get blamed for all of it.  Through the whole post by this young fan on Reddit, you can see how this young trauma victim is being blamed for believing the very words Maron purposely is using.  This young fan, who has been purposely groomed by Maron's chosen words and phrasing these past few years of her young life, is shamed and called an "obsessed" "stan" by others who are ignoring the true predator in this whole dynamic.   Maron blatantly says and does the very words and actions that draw in damaged young trauma victims.  He has been playing on these vulnerable young people for decades.  He has the script memorized, a script designed to get the very reaction this young fan is displaying. 

When/if Maron ever truly decides to stop grooming damaged vulnerable youth from the stage, these kinds of responses from his young fans will begin to happen less often, and eventually cease. That will be the proof he has actually had a change of heart. Until he stops trying to draw in these girls, they are not at all at fault for responding to him.  Put the blame for these young people Maron refers to as "enamored" "lunatics" onto the person who is the one grooming them.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  He has used this script, with forethought, for three and a half decades.  This is pathogical grooming.

(Whether sexual predators can actually change on their own is viewed as highly unlikely by most experts.  Maron's behavior has escalated to at least one incident of indecent exposure, on set in Canada in 2022.  Without legal action, chances of Maron changing on his own are not realistic.  There will be more victims.)

Here is the full Reddit post and responses: 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Instant Replay

 I have received some correspondence regarding a current affair making the publicity circuit, and I find myself needing to replay a couple of my posts, in order to unmuddy the waters.  My issue, since April 26 of last year, is specific.  I will repeat this as often as necessary, for those who are confused.  

There are predators who purposely target very young survivors of CSA/trafficking, in order to sexually re-exploit these mentally and emotionally compromised young humans who display serious diagnosable symptoms that include SH and SI, and are often in recovery for substance addiction.  When such predators have a proven pattern of re-exploiting such young survivors for decades, and are being marketed to more children they can continue to groom, that is an issue that I feel strongly needs to be addressed.   The lives of young survivors need to be protected from these predators.  These predators need to be called out and stopped, in order to give young survivors a chance to escape this debilitating cycle of re-exploitation.  Very young lives are at risk, when these predators are allowed to continue grooming young survivors. 

Any relationship that does not include a predatory dynamic as described in my last paragraph, is not what I am addressing in these blog posts.  Straw men and what-about-isms will not detract me from my focus.

Here are links to reiterate where I stand:


