Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Standards and Practices

There are legal expectations that dictate how interviews with CSA survivors should be handled.  These expectations are not simply guidelines for those in the legal system.  Anyone conducting legitimate interviews with survivors of CSA, are legally held to certain standards. 

Marc Maron has, throughout the 14 year history of his podcast, interviewed many CSA survivors.  His interview with Bradley Whitford is an example I used in my emails and my blog, as the way such interviews should be ethically conducted.  

Anyone who interviews survivors of CSA, are held to certain expectations.  First responders, hospital staff, physicians on record, court-appointed advocates and legal representatives, guardians and foster families, therapists and others in the mental health field, and credentialed members of the press, all have certain responsibilities and expectations placed on them, in order to protect CSA survivors.  These legal standards are not always followed, and the CSA survivors are quite often sexually re-exploited by one or more of those involved once CSA is disclosed.

When Mr. Maron interviews young female survivors of CSA, his approach is not always the same as the techniques used in his interview with Mr. Whitford.  Those who come to Maron's place of work to be interviewed about sensitive subjects, including the exploitation of children, have a legal right to be treated ethically.

I am going to copy below my blog post response to the Bradley Whitford WTF Podcast from last fall, regarding the safety and treatment survivors should experience, when they come alone to Maron's garage to be interviewed about sensitive material, including CSA.  Such interviews leave survivors vulnerable, and in some cases render them incapable of legally granting consent. 

-----My upcoming blog posts will sometimes contain the names of people who have recently been on Mr. Maron's WTF podcast. I have zero affiliation with any of these people I may mention, and only use their actual names because they were a public part of Mr. Maron's recent interviews that dealt directly with the subject of child sexualization/objectification and exploitation. These people have zero personal connection to me, my blog, or my views. I mean these people absolutely no offense. I deeply appreciate their willingness to openly speak about this personal and painful subject. Current and future victims can only be spared future pain if those old enough to fully comprehend their past experiences can be free to speak of those experiences without fear of blame or re-exploitation. 

I sincerely enjoy Mr. Maron's gift for comedy. That hasn't changed. My respect for some of his behavioral choices dropped dramatically after my millennial moment. That drop quickly infused my writing in the emails I sent to  

My tendency toward sarcastic writing as a way to vent anger and pain can be seen throughout these words I sent. Writing is the only way I have ever been able to coherently express anything I am feeling, as my ability to vocalize such emotions is almost non-existent. This all ended up giving my emails a tone that is more often found in those letters people are told to write, and then burn, in order to process the hurtful experiences they have gone through. If there were no current or future victims in harms way because of Mr. Maron's behavioral choices, that is probably where these emails would have ended up, as smoke and ashes drifting up from that digital cloud where these words were origanlly sent. Of course, if there were no such current or potential future victims, these emails wouldn't have been written in the first place.

My emails to Mr. Maron quickly took on a form of writing I have never before naturally employed. A sort of stream-of-consciousness, geared toward 2nd person, a point of view I have rarely used, and didn't appreciate much.   

The following is an email I sent to Mr. Maron on Sept 20, 2022, 7:16 AM, subject line "Imagined Scenarios."

"Mr. Maron,

You often mention your ability to imagine scenarios inside your mind. Because of that, I think you might have the capacity to follow some guided imagery. Let's give it a go, 'kay?

We are starting with the moment Bradley Whitford began to tell you about his experience with child sexual abuse. Place yourself back in that moment when you were with him as he did this. Remember his spoken cadence, tone, facial expressions. Hear how he was no longer vocalizing in a manner normal for him. Hear how the child he once was, is actually present in his voice. Can you do this? It might be easier if you make yourself relisten to that part of the interview. Close your eyes and let yourself really hear, and listen to, how that broken child from those moments of abuse is still in there, in the adult voice of Mr. Whitford. Hear how that child was trying to describe the worst parts of what was actually happening to that child during the abuse. Mr. Whitford was describing, in the voice of that child, the worst part of child sexual abuse. Little, trusting, naive young Bradley, thought that what was happening was actually something special, something teetering on real emotions, something that was meaningful. That child was trusting a person everyone in society tells children they can trust. That child was not at all able to see, in the moments of the abuse, that he was being horribly harmed because the person who was harming him did not at all feel anything decent or loving for that child. That person was using their power, their position, their appearance of maturity in society, to fuck with the body of a child, all while conning that child into thinking what was happening was special. There is no way that child could ever know what was really happening, how they were being conned completely into allowing a person to use their body. As years pass, this is the worst thing that happens to survivors of sexual abuse. They slowly come to realize how the reason they did not say "No," the reason they did not run or fight, the reason the child could be used at all, is because they really thought what was happening was "love." It is only with maturity that sexual abuse survivors can ever hope to come to understand all of this, and this realization is the pain that gets worse over time, not better. The understanding of how they were harmed hurts more and more, the older a person gets. And abuse survivors cannot risk saying how this is the worst part of the lifelong damage they carry, because the minute they admit they thought it was a "special" thing that was happening to them while they were being abused, people tell them that they caused the abuse, because they wanted it. Bradley Whitford was trying to explain all of this, in a small way, in the broken words and heart of a child.  

Abuse survivors are ripped to pieces by this. It is why the abuse of children and vulnerable and damaged people is so insidious and cruel. Unless the abuse is a violent attack that causes only pain, an abuse survivor feels like they were not really abused, because they did not say no. The person in power knows damn well their abuse victim is trusting them, that victim does not understand what is happening. That is what predators do. They seek out those too young or damaged to know what the predator is really doing.

Now, I am going to walk you through something that a straight man might have a hard time understanding. Please, try to follow the imagery while leaving your own sexual orientation out of it.

Imagine Bradley Whitford, trying to tell this story to a counselor, or a college professor, or a pastor, or a comedian doing a podcast. The moment Mr. Whitford starts telling the story, he actually re-enters the part of him that is that broken child. He re-enters the pain, the vulnerability, the naivete, as he tells the story. The person who is listening reaches out and touches Bradley's shoulder, and pulls him into their arms. Mr. Whitford will probably cry, and the child he once was will lean in to try and find the comfort that broken child needed so badly. Now the counselor/teacher/pastor/comedian, does something that makes the broken child in Bradley respond as the child he once was. Things become sexual. 

Let's stop right here. When did things actually become sexual in this scenario? The moment the person listening started to listen, they already knew what was going to happen. They knew Bradley would be entering his child frame of mind, he would be that broken child, needing to feel real love. But that child still believes that what the abuser did was love. So Bradley will be responding to the "compassion" shown by the person listening to their pain. For the counselor/pastor/teacher/comedian, the whole situation was sexual, from the moment they leaned in to listen to a story that they knew was going to turn them, as the predator, on. For Mr. Whitford, it is just him, trying to get comfort in the way that child first thought they were experiencing love and comfort. So, the age of the counselor/pastor/teacher/comedian is actually irrelevant. If this scenario had been what happened after Mr. Whitford's talk with you, you would be the predator, even though Mr. Whitford is older than you. He has a broken part of himself that will always be at risk of being redamaged by any person who uses that child's pain to get sexual pleasure in the guise of comfort and compassion. Please, reread the last two sentences over and over. Print them out and put them on your bathroom mirror. Say them like a fucking mantra. EVERY broken female that you have fucked because you knew how they were broken, is a person you victimized, as surely as it would have been you victimizing Mr. Whitford if you had turned the moments after his interview into a trip to your fucking bed.

Try to really sit with this.  

I have more to type, but whatever is guiding me or pushing me or driving me to send these emails says this is enough for now. I hope you will reread this email until you truly understand it.

Sigh Lentz"-----

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Girlfriends on the Couch

 Starting around August of 2020, Marc Maron began interacting in a sexual manner with a number of his young fans who were following his covid-inspired Instagram Lives.  Some of his regulars took on a group moniker, the Girlfriends on the Couch. This group included many different women of varying ages.  The ones Maron drew into sexual interactions were much younger than he is, and were suffering from diagnosed mental illness and/or substance abuse issues resulting from histories of sexual abuse and trauma.  Maron often used the conversations in his IG Lives to make these girls feel special, "friending" some of them, giving some of them "titles" as part of his moderation team, or part of his staff for the "Dark Fonzie Podcast," a short-lived collaboration between  Maron and Dean Delray.   

During the time from fall of 2020, until fall of 2022, Maron sexually exploited relationships with these young fans, girls with serious issues, one in particular who has a child.  That one later became part of Maron's jokes, and was mentioned by Maron in his WTF Podcast a few times, one of those victims that Maron refers to as "lunatics," an example of how he uses these young girls and later vilifies them as they decompensate because of his exploitation.  This young mother was publicly harmed by Maron, and left in a seriously compromised mental state.  For about a year, this Girlfriend on the Couch was suffering, and Maron did not show any concern.  Instead, he spoke disparagingly of this person, publicly, during the time this person was suffering greatly.

This person was mentally harmed and endangered by Marc Maron.  But this harm did not only affect her.  Her child suffered.  For about a year, which is a significant portion of that brief formative time children have with their parents, this child was harmed because Marc Maron chose to publicly use, and then degrade, this child's mother.  

When a survivor of childhood trauma keeps being re-exploited by much older predators,  their lives are being stolen.  When such survivors have children, those children are being horribly harmed by those who are sexually re-exploiting their parents.  The decisions a re-exploited survivor needs to be making, the interaction that needs to be happening between that parent and their offspring, is severed.  When it is a therapist or minister or caseworker who has sexually re-exploited a survivor with children, the harm is severe.  But when it is a public persona, a much older celebrity interviewer who is seen as an honorable person, who portrays themselves as an ally for abuse victims, the damage done to the victim and their offspring is multiplied tenfold.  To add to that damage, by the celebrity using this re-exploited victim as the butt of jokes, publicly refering to them with slurs like "lunatic," and placing the blame for the victim's pain on their damaged young shoulders, that kind of mental pain is soul-crushing.  That GOTC member, and her child, were forever harmed in ways that will follow that mother and child for the rest of their lives.  

Mr. Maron started contacting some of his past victims these past months, after I started confronting him about his predatory behavior last August.  He brought together the GOTC recently in some IG Lives, and got them all to respond as if what he did to those young mentally compromised victims among them was their own fault, not his.  He publicly blamed them for being his victims.  And the GOTC went along with this.  The young victims themselves don't currently understand how Maron is the one who exploited them, and he knew exactly what he was doing as he did it.  Maron has known, for longer than these GOTC victims have been alive, the condition his abuse of such girls leaves them in, how their substance abuse and self-harming and their longing to kill themselves is made worse every time Maron re-exploits such girls.  He knows he harms their mental health, he knows they end up more suicidal, and he chooses to keep harming such girls.  That is pathological.  And that is NOT the fault of young vulnerable victims.  

Maron could decide not to endanger anymore girls young enough to be his daughters and granddaughters.  He could get help for his predatory behavior.  Instead, he is now trying to groom parents to bring children within his reach, so these children can listen to him talk about his dick (which he has indecently exposed at least once), and hear him discuss masturbation and porn.  This man is grooming parents to let him victimize their daughters. He knows he will endanger such children.  He has over 3 decades of knowing girls he re-exploits end up much worse off when he is done using them.  Parents are choosing to pimp their little girls to this predator.  And call him a good man while they do it.  Their children will not understand what their parents, and Maron, did to them.  These children have no way to understand, or protect themselves. 

The GOTC are choosing to believe those victims of Maron's among them are the ones at fault for what Maron did to them.  If that young mother had successfully taken her own life, I gotta wonder how many of those Girlfriends on that Couch would have cared.  A couple of the GOTC have contacted me, and are a bit disturbed by Maron's behavior.  They especially don't understand how a 60 yr-old man who publicly dates teens can get away with trying to get closer to children now.  If he was a 60 yr-old man hanging out at a playground, talking about masturbation and his genitalia and porn, he wouldn't be performing on a stage, that's for sure. Those Parents on that Playground would not be happily pulling their children over to be close to such a man.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Why it matters, TL/DR


For those who don't want to go back thru my emails here to hunt for the reasons why Marc Maron's sexual behavior is dangerous and predatory, I will try to make it clear in this single email.

Maron has been grooming and fucking girls with serious mental health issues from child sexual abuse for over 3 decades. He, in real time in 2023, still sees 18, in the US, as the only limit on how young he will fuck.  He once bragged about these teen girls he chased and conned.  He is trying to hide it now.  But his 2023 guest appearances on podcasts tell the truth.  Parents now do not realize their 12 yr-old daughter sending messages to Mr. Snake from The Bad Guys movie is a child he can picture fuckng in a few years. And then blame for all of it.  He grooms and chases teen girls, then says it is them coming after him, and when they respond to his grooming, he can't say "no," to them, even if he doesn't "really want to."  (See this whole 12 minute video:  Maron's words)  Of course, when these damaged girls are later begging him not to ghost them on his Instagram posts, he has no problem ignoring them, then.  After he fucked them.

Parents of a child who has gone thru CSA need to know this man will see her as groomable while she is still a child, and he will fuck her as soon as he can, if she is damaged enough to respond to his grooming. And he will not care how much worse off she will be.

Here is an email from March that might make this man's dangerous behavior toward child CSA victims more clear:

-----MAR 10, 10:51 AM

You are a celebrity. You speak publicly of AA. (Big no no) You have made a living where you choose to joke about, target, and sexually exploit broken girls. Then you publicly berate those girls as "lunatics." Over and over. For decades. You interact with girls in 12-step, when you know damn well that 13-stepping ( BIG no no) is wrong. You sexually interact with your most broken, young girl fans, whom you groom to come after you. And you do nothing to protect the obviously endangered underage girls who respond to your public grooming. You endanger young female fans who have issues you know and understand well, and purposely target. You endanger sexually exploited children. This paragraph lays out exactly why your sexual behavior IS everyone's business. Every single parent of a child seeing your movies, every single person who supports your livelihood, has every fucking right to be protected from what you are publicly choosing to use your celebrity status to do to broken young fans in recovery, and broken girls suffering the effects from sexual trauma. You have chosen to behave as a predator toward your most vulnerable fans. Your sex life is damn well everyone's business, for just these reasons.---

Ask him:

 If anyone doubts that Maron has read my emails, please feel free to ask him yourself.  He encourages his audience to email him: 

Marc Maron's response to my emails

Once again, Maron's intro to his podcast today is about children.  He is explaining how he is safe for children and teens.  Marc Maron is responding to my emails.  For the 8 months I wrote him emails from August of 2022 to this past April, trying to ask him to stop harming sexualized girls, he never once responded to my emails with any words at all.  He or his handlers responded by removing some of the proof of his predatory sexual behavior from online.  But he never once acknowledged my words to him about a very pervasive and deeply damaging subject.  Now, over a year later, he responding with his words and behavior.  He is purposely telling people that children are safe in his audience.  

I wrote to Mr. Maron from a place of deep pain, similar to the pain Maron has expressed about the antisemitism he has witnessed and experienced.  I told him the truth about the hell sexually trafficked children, sexually abused children, go thru.  How such abuse caused a lifetime of me being harmed by men who sexually exploit girls who have been damaged by such awful abuse.  He has not once responded with any compassion.  The reason I tried sending him emails in the first place, something he encourages his audience to do, is because I was speaking up for mentally compromised girls being hurt by his exploitation, girls now young enough to be his granddaughters.  I believed he would realize his behavior was harmful.  I believed he would care about sexually abused children.

He is responding to my emails, now, but not with compassion, or honest self-reflection.  He is saying things to his audience to bring more children into his sphere.   He is conning parents into seeing him as a man who is safe for children.  He knows most of his audience does not know his 30+ years of targeting damaged teen girls. He also knows most of his audience has no idea what I am trying to say about how damaging child sexual abuse really is, and how sexual re-exploitation makes it so much worse.   He knows that most parents are unaware of the teen girls Maron has left suicidal, the girls he has tried to sponsor in recovery, the girls who are left in crisis when he is done with them.  They don't know about the girl he flashed on set last year.  He is actively grooming his audience to see him as safe for children and teens.  

Maron's current words are hurting me, as I think of the girls he is, and will, damage and leave in crisis in the future.  He is very aware that my heart is hurt by his current words.  I know what sexualzed girls have gone thru, and will now go thru even more, as this man publicly makes himself appear safe for children.

My words will never be able to protect Marc Maron's current and future victims.  He has an audience he knows he can con.  He knows my heart aches, as he is publicly talking about children in his current intros.  Intros where he no longer brags about, but instead actively hides, the sexualized teen girls he grooms and fucks.  He hides his decades of drawing in teen girls.  

The damage Maron's victim this past April did to herself as he ignored her pleas, was a type of violence.   The gun in her possession, and her suicidal words, were potentially extremely violent.  The damage Maron did to her was deeply damaging to her.

It hurts, this second as i type, because Maron knows I am sitting here after hearing today's intro, with a constricted chest and a lump in my throat, having to realize this is how Marc Maron is responding to my emails, responding to the hell of my life as a trafficked child.  This man knows I am hurting even more right now because of what he is saying and doing.  This is how Marc Maron responds to a person who has gone thru the hell I lived.  

Marc Maron has no compunction about harming any victims of child sexual abuse.  

Monday, October 16, 2023


Teen girls are killing themselves at an unprecedented rate.  PBS article

At 17, I tried to speak up when a girl tried to kill herself.  Our SDA school principal had sexually exploited her, as he had done to me, and other teen girls with "daddy issues."  I told the Upper Columbia Conference SDA president what that principal had done.  That Conference president got off on my words, then told me he could do nothing, and hung up the phone.

I will not ever be silent again.  This 60 yr-old comedian, Marc Maron, is preying on girls in a sexual manner that leaves them suicidal.  Teen girls, already at higher risk of suicide than ever, are being endangered by this man.

Since 1989, Maron has publicly groomed and fucked teens.  Girls with specific issues he has joked about targeting.  Issues like suicidal ideation, compromised mental health, and substance abuse issues.  He has sponsored these girls in AA.  Last year, he exposed his genitals to a girl on the set of Delores Roach. 

I will keep speaking, until this predator is stopped.

As for Maron's words, they speak for him quite clearly:

-----From an interview with Hadley Freeman,  2018:

On his podcast, Maron has been excellent at calling comedians out for unacceptable behaviour. He has confronted people about joke-stealing and taken others to task for homophobia. So I wonder if he regrets any of his own past jokes. In 1999, he appeared on David Letterman and said he knew he was getting older when teenage girls stopped looking at him as a sexual being. “Don’t misunderstand: I’m not saying I want to have sex with teenage girls… I’m lying: of course I want to have sex with teenage girls. Come on, doesn’t everyone? That’s why there’s a law.” In 2014, he was interviewed on US TV and asked about his reputation for dating much younger women. “Yeah, resolving daddy issues since 1989. I’m here to help the young ladies,” he replied.  

But when a male fan wrote to Maron recently to suggest that maybe he should take that Letterman clip down from his website, he was outraged.

“What am I, a personal totalitarian state? I’m going to have to start erasing my history? I don’t think it’s an inappropriate joke. I mean, the idea that men want to have sex with teenage girls – really, are you shocked? It says a lot that somebody – that a man – would reach out and say, ‘It’s not a good look to have that joke up.’ What is happening?” he asks.-----

Guardian Interview with Hadley Freeman

-----From Maron's WTF Podcast dispatch, 10/16/2023:

"I’m suddenly feeling okay about performing for teenagers."-----

Today's WTF Dispatch

Marc Maron's dispatch for today hurt my heart. He says he is "suddenly feeling okay about performing for teenagers."  This 60 yr-old man, who left a damaged girl with a gun feeling suicidal a few months ago, who has been publicly chasing and grooming teen girls for decades, who says it is appropriate for him to try and fuck teen girls, just wrote those words today.  The girls who will respond to this kind of grooming by old men like Maron have been sexualized and already have nobody protecting them.  This man knows what my old principal knows, what all predatory old men in this patriarchy know.  Nobody is protecting these mentally damaged, sexually exploited teenagers.  This man does not give a shit about sexually abused children.  He just wants to fuck them as teens.

WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

OCTOBER 16, 2023

Children in the Audience.

The Pacific Northwest, People!

I flew into Seattle, climbed into a rental car and drove north to Bellingham. I know I have talked about this many times before but there is some part of my soul that just lives in that part of the world. The trees, the sky, the water, the rocks, the crisp air, the expanse of islands. Love it. 

I think the region was wired into me when my family lived in Alaska for two years when I was a kid. '69 to '70. Impressionable. 

I don’t recall ever being in Bellingham. I feel like there was a one nighter gig up there that I did almost 30 years ago. 30 years! It was in a mall, I think. It certainly didn't leave me with any good memories. 

The town is beautiful. I took a drive down Chuckanut Drive. Smelled the pine and wet forest. I needed it. 

The show was at a stunning, old theatre called the Mount Baker. It was the first real theatre I’ve done the new hour at. It went well. 

I was walking to eat dinner after sound check and ran into many people heading to the show. I ran into an excited man with his wife and young sons who told me they were coming to the show. I was immediately jarred by the reality that young kids were going to be at the show. One must’ve been 12 and the other was younger. I told the guy it may be rough stuff for the kids to take in. He didn’t seem to really believe that. If you know my work I just couldn’t wrap my brain around why you would bring young kids. It’s not even that I’m ‘blue.’ I just speak honestly as a relatively screwed up adult. 

Not having children I don’t really know what it's like to be a parent. I’ve definitely developed an aggressive empathy rooted in what was dumped in my head as a kid. Some of it doesn’t go away. Not all of it is good. 

I think the idea most parents have is that the stuff that doesn’t make sense won’t really register. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just that the guy wanted to share his excitement about seeing me with his family. 

I felt it necessary to open with a warning. Without pointing them out I said there were children in the audience and that I would be dealing with very adult themes and if they wanted to leave I would refund their money. It seemed right. I have no idea if they left. If they didn’t and I live long enough, I imagine a young adult person will come up to me someday and tell me they saw me when they were nine and they never quite recovered from it. I’m not saying I have a lasting impact in any general way but if I saw me when I was that age, it would’ve blown my young mind. Though, I believe, I would’ve loved it. Maybe I should stop projecting. 

I found a vegan place called The Big Beet. I’m learning that if you find a good vegan place on the road there’s no reason not to eat as many meals as possible there. Consistency. 

Today I talk to Rob Halford. He’s the lead singer of Judas Priest. A seminal Heavy Metal band. I didn’t grow up loving metal. I’ve grown to appreciate it as an adult. I don’t think it’s quite the same if it didn’t save your adolescent life from the emotions and tedium of being an adolescent (male usually). I’m suddenly feeling okay about performing for teenagers. Anyway, I spent a couple of days loading some Priest into my head just so I could be in the groove when I talk to Rob. It was a great talk. 

I look forward to immersing myself in the work of people I’m not deeply familiar with. I’m currently listening to A LOT of Joan Baez to prep for my talk with her. From Halford to Baez. This is my life. 

Thursday is a comedian double-header with Louis Katz and Doug Stanhope. Comedy for grown ups, for sure. 


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!








©2021 WTF

Website by Studio Rubric

Assistance Provided by Celis

Monday, October 9, 2023

Fleetwood Mac

Sometimes ya gotta play an old fave 😉

Fave Fleetwood Mac song 

Huh? Really?

Today's WTF Podcast guest is Tom Papa. At one point during their conversation, Marc Maron takes time to again repeat a false narrative he came up with years ago to try and deflect from and camouflage his predatory behavior. He poses a narrative that attempts to paint himself as a potential victim in danger of being hurt. Here are these two little scenarios, the first from today's podcast, the second from a special he performed eleven years ago:

These two sad little scenarios Maron poses are not at all what he will ever go thru. Because he does not feel anything for these girls that resembles love. He sexually exploits sexually abused girls. They end up more suicidal, and using more alcohol or drugs, after he is done with them.

Even though Mr. Maron knows how so many of his past victims have been harmed by his predatory behavior, he keeps choosing to do it over and over again. He felt nothing for the girl with the gun. If I had not spoken up here on April 26, he would not give a shit what might've happened to her. He was done exploiting her.  That was all he cared about.  Nothing he feels for female victims of child sexual abuse is decent or kind. If he did actually care about sexually abused children, he would never groom teen girls. He would know the last thing they need is to be interacting with predatory old men. There is no concern or compassion or decency in how he views damaged girls young enough to be his granddaughters. 

Last fall, one of Maron's current victims tried to tell one of his past victims that Maron loved her, that she was special to him. The past victim told her how Maron had said similar shit to her, and this escalated the crisis of the current victim. She had trusted a man who feels nothing but lecherous desire to sexually re-exploit young girls. This reality is devastating for these girls to have to realize. It leaves them much more broken, less likely to ever heal. Maron doesn't care. To tell a sad little story about some old man being hurt by some young girl who leaves him, as if it might be in Maron's future, is bullshit.  Love is incapable of existing in the sexual offenses Maron is thinking of as he continues grooming mentally compromised sexual abuse victims.  When he looks at pics sent by underage fans, that isn't love he is feeling. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

An Ally

 This is what a real ally for feminism sounds like:

This is an ally, speaking the truth. This truth exposes exactly what men like Marc Maron are really doing.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

All Ages

This is from Marc Maron's latest tiktok post, advertising for his upcoming shows, where his latest material has included Maron talking about his genitalia, excusing his 30 plus years of dating teens, and discussing child sexual abuse, among other adult subjects. During his last tour, and every tour before that, this man played to adult audiences only. Now, all ages are allowed in to see this predator. Children on tiktok are being publicly groomed by this man. WTF is wrong with those allowing this to happen? WTF is wrong with this man? He is purposely choosing to endanger at-risk sexualized little girls. He knows exactly what he is doing, and he knows I am speaking up for these girls like I once was. But he does it anyway, because he knows no one gave a shit about me at 13, and no one gives a shit about the mentally compromised little girls he is grooming today.  He does this because he can.  No one is going to stop him.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A question regarding feminism: whose voice matters?

Feminism has experienced waves, each new wave necessary in order to be more inclusive.  In the midst of every new wave, there is one group that keeps drowning. This group needs to finally be helped, not swept under, yet again. 

Old male predators like Marc Maron are the ones guiding what happens to sexualized female children. If older adults were allowed more and more to start getting teens drunk, and the teens were blamed for drinking alcohol given to them by such adults, this would not be tolerated. Such old adults exposing teens to alcohol would never be allowed to speak at recovery groups, or be seen as honored member of groups like MADD.  Only when it comes to sex, are old male predators ever able to be held up as allies of feminism.  This is the newest wave of patriarchy, making sure to keep their power to fuck female children, and keep such children from escaping the re-exploitation cycle that ensures old men like Maron can have a constant supply of young victims.

Marc Maron's voice should be used as an example of the current problem we face in this patriarchy.   Women like Brooke Shields, and Alexandra Wentworth, are examples of the voices that matter in regards to this issue.  Not some 60 yr-old man who fucked a girl with BPD from CSA, with suicidal ideation and a gun.  A girl young enough to be his granddaughter.

If feminism does not ever get this specific issue right, young females will keep self-harming and killing themselves in greater and greater numbers. There is nothing natural or healthy or balanced in letting sexually abused female children be fucked by old men over and over. Any old man doing this is a predator, not an ally.

I hope someday, some wave of feminism will finally look deeper into this issue of afab children who experience sexual abuse, being constantly re-exploited by old men.  Girls are literally going to keep dying in rising numbers, whether because they are covered in burqas, or covered in sexualization. Old men cause both sides of this patriarchal coin.

 Feminism needs to dump predatory old men as "heroes" and "allies."  They are the problem. Sexualized little children sending Mr. Maron pics of Mr. Snake today, do not get any help when Maron is held up as an ally to women.  He will interact with them in DM's.  He will groom them.  He will fuck them at whatever legal age he can.  And then leave them in even worse mental condition.  Their minds are being destroyed, all as Maron is featured by feminism as a "good" man, an "ally."  Please go back thru my last few blog posts here, and listen to this man's past and present words.  This man's words and behavior since 1989 have been publicly predatory.  This man flashed a girl on set last year.  He is not an ally.  He is the face of the new patriarchy.  

My voice should matter.  Not his.  In this one issue, my voice is the voice that matters.  Maron's words and behavior are clear.  My words come straight from a heart destroyed by men like Maron.  As a 57 yr-old female who experienced CSA and child trafficking, as well as being used for child porn, I have 55 years of knowledge and experience in this area. I know what I am writing about.  My voice here is the voice every feminism wave keeps crashing over.  Children like I was keep ending up buried in the ocean floor.  Silenced.