Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Awaiting the wisdom

Maron has been receiving a few questions from fans about the movie "Priscilla."  He apparently will be watching it this week.  

Before Lisa Marie died, I read she was worried about how her father would be portrayed in the movie Priscilla. Her father loved her, and she loved him. I don't question her reaction to the idea of public scrutiny regarding her parents' relationship. 

I have seen interviews with Priscilla recently, where she seemed to like the movie, once she saw it.  She admits she didn't know the word "grooming" until recently, and doesn't fully understand it.  She bravely/naively tries to say she was older in "life" years than her actual age of 14, when she met her future husband, but she  follows that up by saying Elvis took her to see movies and places she had no idea even existed.  He knew life as an adult.  She was still a child.  This predatory situation was not seen as bad or wrong, back then (or, one could argue, even now).  But it is still patriarchy at its "finest":  an older adult male sexually exploiting a female child.  When Priscilla was told by her husband that he didn't feel like he could have sex with her, or any woman, once they gave birth to a child, his own distorted belief that sex is only good when an adult man is fucking a young girl, hovers over that whole sad birth scene like some malformed angel sheltering a disgusted Joseph, as he stares at a teen girl giving birth in a barnyard next to a manger. 

One of Maron's young current victims wrote something so sad, recently, it hurt my heart for what she believes.  She wrote about wishing to die young, because of what she has been told by older men about how they look at their wives, and adult women, as if they are no longer worth anything, once they aren't young vaginas anymore.  The sadness I felt, reading of her terror about something so basic to living as aging, made my heart ache, for a number of reasons.  First of all, because she has been branded with the invisible marks left by childhood sexualization, she will never be safe from predators no matter how old she gets. That nightmare reality will haunt her forever.  It doesn't stop.  Second, the sensations men claim to be getting from children are all in their fucked up minds. Physiology doesn't back up any of the misogynistic beliefs passed around between patriarchal dogmatists for eons.  None of it is based in science or reality.  A snake didn't convince Eve to eat an apple.  The earth isn't 5000 years old.  And afab children are not meant to be fucked by old men.  Nature starts to slow down male and female genital organs around the same age.  Nature created altricial humans to be maturing along with their peers.  In order to continue holding power, patriarchy needs to control females, and that is most easily accomplished by getting to them as young as possible.  Calling afab children more "mature" than amab children, laying blame/choice/control on the very children that are sexualized in this society before they even start to read or write, is mindwarping bullshit.   And it stays always a step ahead of feminism.  Afab children like I was, are the children sacrificed to the religion of patriarchy.  It survives on our blood.

Priscilla Presley did the best she could, in a society that did not protect her, and even now keeps feeding afab children to old men, and calling it a "choice" being made by such children.  If these children were not sexualized from toddlerhood on, most of them would live very different lives.  The suicide rates among teen girls would not be skyrocketing like they are now. And 60 yr-old men like Maron wouldn't be seen as the ones fit to comment on a movie about a child being groomed by a 24 yr-old celebrity years ago. Of course Maron sees children like Priscilla once was as fuckable.  He's believed this bullshit for over 3 decades.  Yet he's seen as a feminist ally, even as mentally compromised girls are being left in much worse condition because of his re-exploitation of them.  He can flash a girl on set in Canada, 13-step a 19 yr-old when he was 50 (and blame her for it), and still have his male crotch-centric commentary on a movie about feminism (Barbie) be seen as wisdom.  

Maron's commentary on the movie Priscilla should be about as irrelevant as Limbaugh's opinion of the movie "42."  

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