Starting around August of 2020, Marc Maron began interacting in a sexual manner with a number of his young fans who were following his covid-inspired Instagram Lives. Some of his regulars took on a group moniker, the Girlfriends on the Couch. This group included many different women of varying ages. The ones Maron drew into sexual interactions were much younger than he is, and were suffering from diagnosed mental illness and/or substance abuse issues resulting from histories of sexual abuse and trauma. Maron often used the conversations in his IG Lives to make these girls feel special, "friending" some of them, giving some of them "titles" as part of his moderation team, or part of his staff for the "Dark Fonzie Podcast," a short-lived collaboration between Maron and Dean Delray.
During the time from fall of 2020, until fall of 2022, Maron sexually exploited relationships with these young fans, girls with serious issues, one in particular who has a child. That one later became part of Maron's jokes, and was mentioned by Maron in his WTF Podcast a few times, one of those victims that Maron refers to as "lunatics," an example of how he uses these young girls and later vilifies them as they decompensate because of his exploitation. This young mother was publicly harmed by Maron, and left in a seriously compromised mental state. For about a year, this Girlfriend on the Couch was suffering, and Maron did not show any concern. Instead, he spoke disparagingly of this person, publicly, during the time this person was suffering greatly.
This person was mentally harmed and endangered by Marc Maron. But this harm did not only affect her. Her child suffered. For about a year, which is a significant portion of that brief formative time children have with their parents, this child was harmed because Marc Maron chose to publicly use, and then degrade, this child's mother.
When a survivor of childhood trauma keeps being re-exploited by much older predators, their lives are being stolen. When such survivors have children, those children are being horribly harmed by those who are sexually re-exploiting their parents. The decisions a re-exploited survivor needs to be making, the interaction that needs to be happening between that parent and their offspring, is severed. When it is a therapist or minister or caseworker who has sexually re-exploited a survivor with children, the harm is severe. But when it is a public persona, a much older celebrity interviewer who is seen as an honorable person, who portrays themselves as an ally for abuse victims, the damage done to the victim and their offspring is multiplied tenfold. To add to that damage, by the celebrity using this re-exploited victim as the butt of jokes, publicly refering to them with slurs like "lunatic," and placing the blame for the victim's pain on their damaged young shoulders, that kind of mental pain is soul-crushing. That GOTC member, and her child, were forever harmed in ways that will follow that mother and child for the rest of their lives.
Mr. Maron started contacting some of his past victims these past months, after I started confronting him about his predatory behavior last August. He brought together the GOTC recently in some IG Lives, and got them all to respond as if what he did to those young mentally compromised victims among them was their own fault, not his. He publicly blamed them for being his victims. And the GOTC went along with this. The young victims themselves don't currently understand how Maron is the one who exploited them, and he knew exactly what he was doing as he did it. Maron has known, for longer than these GOTC victims have been alive, the condition his abuse of such girls leaves them in, how their substance abuse and self-harming and their longing to kill themselves is made worse every time Maron re-exploits such girls. He knows he harms their mental health, he knows they end up more suicidal, and he chooses to keep harming such girls. That is pathological. And that is NOT the fault of young vulnerable victims.
Maron could decide not to endanger anymore girls young enough to be his daughters and granddaughters. He could get help for his predatory behavior. Instead, he is now trying to groom parents to bring children within his reach, so these children can listen to him talk about his dick (which he has indecently exposed at least once), and hear him discuss masturbation and porn. This man is grooming parents to let him victimize their daughters. He knows he will endanger such children. He has over 3 decades of knowing girls he re-exploits end up much worse off when he is done using them. Parents are choosing to pimp their little girls to this predator. And call him a good man while they do it. Their children will not understand what their parents, and Maron, did to them. These children have no way to understand, or protect themselves.
The GOTC are choosing to believe those victims of Maron's among them are the ones at fault for what Maron did to them. If that young mother had successfully taken her own life, I gotta wonder how many of those Girlfriends on that Couch would have cared. A couple of the GOTC have contacted me, and are a bit disturbed by Maron's behavior. They especially don't understand how a 60 yr-old man who publicly dates teens can get away with trying to get closer to children now. If he was a 60 yr-old man hanging out at a playground, talking about masturbation and his genitalia and porn, he wouldn't be performing on a stage, that's for sure. Those Parents on that Playground would not be happily pulling their children over to be close to such a man.