Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I sat down to write my first blog, and this is what came out.  I hope a poem is okay for day one of A-Z.  Tomorrow I will try to write something in more of a "blog" format, whatever that may be.
My first grandchild turned one today.  This is for him.

Judy S. Lentz 

We step outside
into the wind
You gasp as
it takes your breath away
Three-hundred sixty-five days
A full trip around the Sun
and now you're one
A year of smiles
sitting, crawling
dancing, singing songs
Your tiny hand, once clutching
swaddled blankets
now reaches up to grasp mine
Time flies past me
and takes my breath away


  1. Awwww :)

    Great poem honey, good luck with the rest of the challenge! x

  2. What a glorious poem, Judy and a wonderful start to the A-to-Z challenge! Your poem took my breath away; this is such a difficult art form to master and it is delightful! With much love and happiness that you are on this month's crazy journey with me, Mary aka Viola Fury @ViolaFury on Twitter http://www.homelesschroniclesintampa.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you, Mary! I am enjoying this start to A-Z so much!!

  3. That's wonderful, Judy! How brave of you to start you blogging career with the A to Z Challenge. Don't worry about doing it 'right' - the blogging world is your oyster. Just get the posts out on the right days for the right letters and you'll be fine. Did you know you can schedule posts in advance? If you get inspired for V you can do it now and set it to be released on 25th!
    Blogging from Alpha to Zulu in April

    1. Thank you for the information, Jemima! I do have a couple of subjects in mind for later letters, so this is great to know.


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