Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 I wrote a post here, on Aug. 2, 2023, which surprised me when it netted a few correct responses.  Today, a woman who saw Maron's recent Seattle show, unwittingly wrote her own correct response to that challenge.  That audience member's response is at the end of this post.  Here is a link to the post I wrote last August:  Challenge

Blue comedy is great.  Many adults enjoy it.  I enjoy it.  The first laugh I had, after 3 years of being unable to find humor in much of anything, was listening to Maron describe Mike Pence at the Second Coming, in "End Times Fun."  Brilliant.  Really hit my ex-adventist, time-of-trouble-resurrection-jesus-coming-back-in-the-clouds funny bone.  I will always remember that first real laugh I had expressed in years. 

I can enjoy adult comedy of all kinds.  But since I went down that Millennial Moment Maron rabbit hole, I discovered something important.   I can enjoy adult comedy, as long as the comedian delivering the comedy does not target mentally compromised girls with substance abuse issues for sexual exploitation, does not expose their genitals illegally,  and does not groom underage girls and let themselves be marketed to children.

Has society forgotten what child sexual abuse, and sexual assault, are?  The neighbor who talks about masturbation to youth next door, the old man who talks about his genitalia in front of kids at a park, the adults exposing their genitals to anyone, these are predatory behaviors.   

Marc Maron's current material is being framed by Maron as him "exposing" himself to his audience.  He makes it sound like he is being vulnerable in what he is currently doing from the stage.  But this exposure is not vulnerability.  He is the creepy old man parents once had arrested at the park.  Kids are now allowed in his audiences.  He is being paid to get away with behavior that once got old predators arrested.   He has turned child abuse into subject matter that he is using to bring focus to the one thing all flashers want people to be aware of:  their dicks.  

My last post, The Grooming Continues, is an example of the results Maron's current onstage grooming creates in young fans.  He has groomed and fucked young fans for 3 and 1/2 decades.  He has purposely targeted very young damaged survivors of CSA who exhibit serious symptoms that include suicidal ideation and self-harming.  He has 13-stepped young girls in recovery.  He has written about his compulsion for young girls in his IFC show, "Maron."  He has spoken quite openly about his predatory feelings for teen girls since his Conan late night appearances, from the stage, and in interviews:

He receives DM's from underage girls as they communicate with him on social media, and children draw his Mr. Snake animated character to send to him.  Maron exposed his genitalia to a young crewmember on set in Canada.  These behaviors, on a playground most anywhere, would land this man in jail.  

Here is a picture of Maron walking to his recent Seattle show.  This pic was posted the following day.  In the comments, one fan who had just seen that show expresses exactly what Maron's onstage words are meant to leave his "all ages" audience members thinking about:  his dick.

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