Saturday, June 22, 2024

Instant Replay

 I have received some correspondence regarding a current affair making the publicity circuit, and I find myself needing to replay a couple of my posts, in order to unmuddy the waters.  My issue, since April 26 of last year, is specific.  I will repeat this as often as necessary, for those who are confused.  

There are predators who purposely target very young survivors of CSA/trafficking, in order to sexually re-exploit these mentally and emotionally compromised young humans who display serious diagnosable symptoms that include SH and SI, and are often in recovery for substance addiction.  When such predators have a proven pattern of re-exploiting such young survivors for decades, and are being marketed to more children they can continue to groom, that is an issue that I feel strongly needs to be addressed.   The lives of young survivors need to be protected from these predators.  These predators need to be called out and stopped, in order to give young survivors a chance to escape this debilitating cycle of re-exploitation.  Very young lives are at risk, when these predators are allowed to continue grooming young survivors. 

Any relationship that does not include a predatory dynamic as described in my last paragraph, is not what I am addressing in these blog posts.  Straw men and what-about-isms will not detract me from my focus.

Here are links to reiterate where I stand:




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