Marc Maron considers himself to be a "mid-level celebrity." This seems to be an honest, accurate description of his status. Podcast listeners are very aware of him, comedy fans are often aware of him, and movie-goers are beginning to appreciate his acting abilities. True Maron fans are aware of all of this, as well as his guitar skills and his ownership of cats. They are also aware of other things he once made sure were publicly known.
Throughout his decades of performing, there are things about him that have been well publicized, as he has been vocal about his personal likes and dislikes, his foibles and neurosis. Because of his mid-level status, not everyone has been aware of these things, but his fans are kept up to date, by Maron's own words, by what he chooses to let others know. Maron has recently complained about certain fans thinking they know him, which I find ironic, as he has been publicly interacting with and "dating" fans for decades. He is the one creating these very parasocial interactions he now wants to complain about. He has been grooming "sugar pics" from young fans since his Jessica days, although he always blames the girls for sending those pics he has subtly been making clear he wants, which is a classic part of the grooming process. He has been hooking up with very young girls with specific mental health issues for over 30 years, ever since he first began grooming those very girls from the stage and from visits to late night TV. He used to be quite proud about his re-exploitation of sexually abused girls with BPD, happy to confirm this once well-known and oft referred to fact about his proclivities. After #me,too, he made it clear in the Guardian interview that he still saw his behavior toward teen girls as perfectly fine. Since then, he has done an obvious about face. Not in his predatory behavior, simply in his crowing about it. When I sent the "Well, hell" email late last summer, he and/or his handlers, started removing proof of his sexual behavior toward damaged young girls from YouTube and other online sources. It is apparent that he is going to keep fucking young and teen girls with serious issues, but he is now trying to keep his newest fans in the dark, which is especially insidious and disingenuous when one considers the number of children who are being added to his fan base. What happened to his pride in how many young girls he could groom and fuck? Where is his trademark honesty and matter-of-factness when it comes to his constant drawing in and sexually interacting with damaged girls as soon as they hit 18? He has obviously never seen this behavior as something he should change, but he sure has decided to try and keep this behavior hidden from parents of his newest fan base. Not to mention, from people like Brooke Shields, who he interviewed as if he understood the way sick old predators in this patriarchy have sexualized children born female, presenting himself as an ally, while he was actively ghosting a broken young girl with a gun that he had just finished sexually exploiting.
Where's that trademark honesty, Maron? Why are you now hiding what you used to brag about, making sure your new fans never hear the truth about you now? You have, twice, on podcasts heard by none of your new fans, and hardly anyone else, hastily glossed over the fact that you still sexually interact with girls who are "legal," in whatever country you may be standing in, but you do not say these things in your intros, or make sure parents are aware of you seeing their young daughters as fuckable. What's up with that, Maron? Do you perhaps know what you are doing is predatory?
Yeah, you know. You damn well know. Parents need to fucking know. And those making movies for kids need to see you as the predator you are, and stop marketing you as safe and harmless to children.
If you don't see grooming and fucking teen and very young sexually abused girls with serious mental health issues as wrong, you need to speak up and say it, on your podcast. Your newest fan base, and the parents/guardians of the underage members among those new fans, have a goddam right to know.