The posts in this blog, starting in April, 2023, are drawn from the many emails I have been sending to, ever since the end of last August. If I post anything that is not from my collection of emails, and is about a different subject, I will make that clear at the beginning of such a post. All posts from before Aug of 2022, are not from these particular emails sent to Mr. Maron. If you, or anyone you know, is in crisis: Call the NAMI Helpline at 800-950-6264 Text "HelpLine" 62640
Friday, September 29, 2023
Marc Maron, unapologetic
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
I have received some communication from people who have recently attended Marc Maron's current tour, where he is performing his latest material. I was hesitant to comment on his current material, without hearing him personally speak about it. He has mentioned some of his most recent material, in intros and interviews from his WTF Podcast, as well as his own appearances on other podcasts. A pattern is becoming apparent. He seems to be doing material that is addressing his 30+ years of predatory behavior. The way he is doing this, and the words choices he is making, do not appear to be the words of a person who is deciding to take responsibility for harming much younger humans, and trying to stop his predatory behavior. Instead of apologizing for sexualizing those with BPD from the stage, and saying he was wrong to call those with compromised mental health "lunatics" while blaming them for being re-exploited by him, he appears to be saying he is a sexually abused person who is mentally ill, too.
Men like Marc Maron and my old sda principal are not mentally healthy, and have obviously had fucked up experiences in regards to sex. They see cis girls who have experienced CSA as legitimate targets for sexual re-exploitation. That is definitely not the behavior of a person with a healthy mind. No one who sexually preys on younger vulnerable damaged humans is mentally well. My father saw his own toddler daughter as someone to get off on. He sent me off with my hooker stepmother to be raped when I was five. My father is not mentally healthy. My hooker stepmother was not mentally healthy. Both experienced CSA. Their mental illnesses and childhood abuses gave them no right to harm me or other children. Compromised mental health gave no right to my mentally ill sda church-school principal to sexually re-exploit me.
Sexual predators are mentally ill. No question about that. Their mental illnesses and history of sexual abuse does not mean they are free to sexually re-exploit much younger abuse victims. Predators who have mental illnesses that make them compulsively sexually exploit younger humans need to be kept away from young humans, not marketed to them. Children need to be protected from the grooming of such predators. Children need to know such predators are not safe, not be interacting privately with such predators online.
Marc Maron grooms and fucks teen girls who have been sexually abused, who have been diagnosed with mental illness, who are suicidal and regularly harm themselves, and are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Of course Mr. Maron is mentally ill. Healthy 60 yr-olds do not groom and fuck mentally compromised teen girls. He does need help to figure out why he is obsessed with teen girls, and indecently exposes his genitalia. His behavior needs to be addressed, and he needs to be kept away from children. Adults with mental illnesses that leave them unable to control their impulses to flash others or stop harming young CSA survivors diagnosed with BPD, are in need of intervention to stop their predatory behavior.
Yes, Marc Maron is a mentally ill predator. Apparently he is admitting this in his latest material. His admission does not mean he deserves a continuing pass to harm much younger mentally compromised girls. His uncontrollable sexual compulsions need to be stopped, not marketed to children.
Friday, September 15, 2023
More of Maron's recent words
Maron was on a number of podcasts during 2023, and this is just a small example of things he said regarding his behavior. These clips are from Bialik Breakdown Podcast, Dopey Podcast, Not Cool Podcast, Anniewood Podcast, The Blocks Podcast, and a recent Maron IG Live.
There are some moments worth noting, although each clip is informative on its own:
Maron mentions himself and his mother being too young to understand themselves at the same ages of many of the girls he draws in and leaves much worse off.
On the Dopey Podcast, Maron is asked if he sponsors anyone. He says "No," and lists reasons that somehow have never stopped him from sponsoring mentally compromised girls. After listening to the Sept. 14th episode of WTF, hearing how Maron spun what actually took place a few years ago, making it seem like he was not trying to sponsor comedian Hannah Einbinder, a girl he flirted with from the stage when he was 50 and she was 19. Apparently, he just had a private AA meeting with her. I guess that is how he will be framing what he does to vulnerable young females in need of recovery.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Maron's words, 9/10/2023
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Inconvenient Truth
In July of 2002, a horrendous crime took place. I was deeply affected by what happened. I am going to copy the words I shared with Mr. Maron about this crime below this picture. There will be more pictures of Samantha Runnion at the end of this post.
Who will speak this inconvenient truth?
Who will speak this inconvenient truth?
Judy S. Lentz
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Your Left Right Left
The SDA principal, who still has access to children, was placed in a position of power over children in at least four different communities. Girls in each of those communities were groomed, fucked, and left much worse off by this child educator. That church did not care. They are one of the bigger religions in the world. Wanna hear a little "joke" that was spoken in hushed tones with knowing smiles and winks, after services, or during potlucks in many SDA circles? Whenever some educator or youth minister fucked kids, and got caught, congregants would say, "He'll be headed for the mission field soon." Fucked up joke, huh. Nobody gave a shit if these predators kept fucking kids, as long as it was in some other country. The Catholic church received more attention for shuffling predator priests around, but I know every religion does this. The religious right is full of this bullshit behavior. Kids like I was mean nothing to these people. Not one goddam thing.
I have mentioned before, how I once thought the left actually cared about kids like I was. How I felt like they would have protected me better. How I had a safe place to belong, by being a liberal. My natural political leaning was always left, and it did make me feel some comfort to think they cared about CSA victims. To a child who never had anyone or anywhere to feel safe or belong, this mattered to me.
Mr. Maron did not care enough to respond to my first email to him, an email I sent when I still believed he cared about sexually abused children, and truly thought he was the kind of person who would at least say he might stop going after such damaged young abuse victims, because he never meant to leave such young girls worse off. He spent 8 months showing how much he does not care at all about what children like I was are forced to go through.
After seeing a damaged suicidal girl with a gun experience an escalating crisis, directly because of Marc Maron purposely sexually re-exploiting this girl young enough to be his granddaughter, I went public. Maron couldn't get law enforcement involved, because he couldn't have them sifting through his online history. I am not lying, and I am only doing this to try and stop the damage he is doing to mentally compromised girls like I once was, so he hasn't seen fit to try and sue me.
Since April 26, Maron has not once publicly addressed this predatory behavior he has chosen to take part in for over 30 years. He does not see sexually abused girls as anything but children who he can draw in, and fuck as soon as they turn eighteen. He has not once said anything about his predatory sexual behavior in any apologetic manner.
Today, in Maron's WTF podcast bonus episode, he mentioned how he is getting set to do another movie for kids. Marc Maron does not care how this will draw in more child fans. He does not care that children who are being sexually traumatized this very second as I type, will be further damaged by him in just a few years, because he has earlier access to them. He is quite happy to have a ready supply of victims, and know that nobody is going to protect them from him.
The left never gave a shit about kids like me. The principal, maron, they just keep being handed CSA victims on a fuckin bloody platter. The minute a child is sexually assaulted, that child is a future playtoy for all predators. And nobody is going to protect them, right or left.
I have recently received, yet again, a comment I have heard so many times over the years. The ignorance behind this comment is exactly what I am trying to come up against by posting my words here in this blog. Obviously, I cannot use a nifty little soundbite to TL/DR my way thru combating such a society-wide entrenched pattern of wrong-thinking.
I wrote a post about an assignment I got in an 8th grade English class over 4 decades ago. I aced that assignment, which was not something I normally accomplished in elementary school. The only reason I aced it, is because that teacher did not preface that assignment with the letters "TL/DR." If those letters keep growing in popularity, no one anywhere is gonna be able to understand anything anyone else is trying to say. (Here's the link to that 8th grade assignment: Words ---trigger warning---not TL/DR. May impart truth.)
The person whose recent comment inspired this post, told me it was my own fault if I kept ending up getting fucked by therapists, because if a therapist ever tried to have sex with them, they would know that therapist was unethical. Well, no shit, sherlock. That's the point. People who have never been mentally deformed by severe and chronic child sexual abuse and child trafficking, are not people who can be as easily groomed and conned and fucked by "helpers." That's why predators target such malformed survivors to sexually re-exploit. Those who haven't grown up in an abusively sexualized environment, aren't as likely to be groomed and fucked by predators. They don't walk around believing everyone is doing what I experienced as a child, because that isn't what they have experienced. They haven't been habituated into believing all children are living out sick nightmares that they have to keep secret. They don't think it is "normal" for adults to fuck children. They don't believe all therapists are fucking their clients. They haven't experienced a life that teaches them to view sex as the "normal" outcome of all human interactions. Until a sexualized child has a close, none-sexual experience with an older human who isn't getting close to them just to fuck them, they won't realize such safe and helpful interactions even exist. This is the very reason why predators like Marc Maron are looking for kids who have been sexualized. Those kids think Maron's predatory behavior is normal. They don't think such behavior toward young survivors is hurtful or abnormal or something that will increase the survivor's desire to unalive oneself.
Every time Marc Maron gets away with fucking a damaged girl, it reinforces the belief CSA survivors carry that all older adults are doing this, and it must not be damaging or wrong, because no one around Maron ever says it is wrong. He is in a position of power, a celebrity who is held up as an ally to feminism, a person so "safe," he has a holiday book reading that is aired in our school systems, voices characters in animated movies targeted to children, and has been "sponsoring" damaged girls in recovery for years. Each girl who falls for Maron's grooming, has no reason to doubt his "compassion" as he "trauma bonds" with them, and manipulates them with bs recovery/therapy phrases about how he might someday learn to "accept love," if he can "learn to accept intimacy" with that one "special" girl who finally unlocks his heart. These girls don't know how all of those bs phrases he throws around are meant to give them hope, meant to make them feel special, are meant to wring every bit of sexual gratification Maron can get out of these mentally compromised sexualized young girls, before he is done with them. These girls do not have any way to understand what Maron is really doing at all. These girls think it is their own fault when Maron leaves them suicidal. For decades, Maron has left horribly damaged girls even more suicidal, more self-harming, and more self-medicating, because no one ever says Maron using the power of his age, his status in AA, his interviews with important people, is wrong. No one says "Marc Maron is a predator." They are marketing this man to the most vulnerable of humans, children. The mentally and emotionally malformed young girls Maron targets can't know he is a predator, unless society starts speaking the truth. These young survivors do not have any life experience that will make them safe from predators like Maron. That's the whole point of everything in my blog.
I had no way to know that predators were grooming and conning and re-exploiting me. I had no experience to combat the things I had been conditioned to see as normal. Until society starts pointing out predatory sexual behavior that targets sexualized girls, and blaming and naming these predators, sexualized girls will have no way to ever realize how they are being sexually re-exploited.
When will others ever get this? It truly should be elementary. Society has missed the one little point which is the basis of everything I am trying to say in this blog. These girls, these survivors of horrendous childhood sexualization, cannot know what predators are doing, until society lifts the blame off of their mentally compromised psyches, and places that blame squarely on the shoulders of predators like Marc Maron.