Tuesday, September 5, 2023


 I have recently received, yet again, a comment I have heard so many times over the years.  The ignorance behind this comment is exactly what I am trying to come up against by posting my words here in this blog.   Obviously, I cannot use a nifty little soundbite to TL/DR my way thru combating such a society-wide entrenched pattern of wrong-thinking.

I wrote a post about an assignment I got in an 8th grade English class over 4 decades ago.  I aced that assignment, which was not something I normally accomplished in elementary school.  The only reason I aced it, is because that teacher did not preface that assignment with the letters "TL/DR."  If those letters keep growing in popularity, no one anywhere is gonna be able to understand anything anyone else is trying to say.  (Here's the link to that 8th grade assignment:  Words ---trigger warning---not TL/DR.  May impart truth.)

The person whose recent comment inspired this post, told me it was my own fault if I kept ending up getting fucked by therapists, because if a therapist ever tried to have sex with them, they would know that therapist was unethical.  Well, no shit, sherlock.  That's the point. People who have never been mentally deformed by severe and chronic child sexual abuse and child trafficking, are not people who can be as easily groomed and conned and fucked by "helpers." That's why predators target such malformed survivors to sexually re-exploit.  Those who haven't grown up in an abusively sexualized environment, aren't as likely to be groomed and fucked by predators.  They don't walk around believing everyone is doing what I experienced as a child, because that isn't what they have experienced.  They haven't been habituated into believing all children are living out sick nightmares that they have to keep secret.  They don't think it is "normal" for adults to fuck children.  They don't believe all therapists are fucking their clients.  They haven't experienced a life that teaches them to view sex as the "normal" outcome of all human interactions. Until a sexualized child has a close, none-sexual experience with an older human who isn't getting close to them just to fuck them, they won't realize such safe and helpful interactions even exist.  This is the very reason why predators like Marc Maron are looking for kids who have been sexualized.   Those kids think Maron's predatory behavior is normal.  They don't think such behavior toward young survivors is hurtful or abnormal or something that will increase the survivor's desire to unalive oneself.  

Every time Marc Maron gets away with fucking a damaged girl, it reinforces the belief CSA survivors carry that all older adults are doing this, and it must not be damaging or wrong, because no one around Maron ever says it is wrong.  He is in a position of power, a celebrity who is held up as an ally to feminism, a person so "safe," he has a holiday book reading that is aired in our school systems, voices characters in animated movies targeted to children, and has been "sponsoring" damaged girls in recovery for years.  Each girl who falls for Maron's grooming, has no reason to doubt his "compassion" as he "trauma bonds" with them, and manipulates them with bs recovery/therapy phrases about how he might someday learn to "accept love," if he can "learn to accept intimacy" with that one "special" girl who finally unlocks his heart.  These girls don't know how all of those bs phrases he throws around are meant to give them hope, meant to make them feel special, are meant to wring every bit of sexual gratification Maron can get out of these mentally compromised sexualized young girls, before he is done with them.  These girls do not have any way to understand what Maron is really doing at all.  These girls think it is their own fault when Maron leaves them suicidal.  For decades, Maron has left horribly damaged girls even more suicidal, more self-harming, and more self-medicating, because no one ever says Maron using the power of his age, his status in AA, his interviews with important people, is wrong.  No one says "Marc Maron is a predator."  They are marketing this man to the most vulnerable of humans, children.  The mentally and emotionally malformed young girls Maron targets can't know he is a predator, unless society starts speaking the truth.  These young survivors do not have any life experience that will make them safe from predators like Maron.  That's the whole point of everything in my blog.  

I had no way to know that predators were grooming and conning and re-exploiting me.  I had no experience to combat the things I had been conditioned to see as normal.  Until society starts pointing out predatory sexual behavior that targets sexualized girls, and blaming and naming these predators, sexualized girls will have no way to ever realize how they are being sexually re-exploited.  

When will others ever get this?  It truly should be elementary.  Society has missed the one little point which is the basis of everything I am trying to say in this blog.  These girls, these survivors of horrendous childhood sexualization, cannot know what predators are doing, until society lifts the blame off of their mentally compromised psyches, and places that blame squarely on the shoulders of predators like Marc Maron.

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