"Her own words"
Apr 8, 2023, 6:21 AM
“That last scene in the movie where they are confident and free. They’re confident, they’re being listened to, I’m proud of them speaking their mind,” Shields said of her daughters in an interview with People on the red carpet of the documentary’s New York premiere. “They are young women who are already beginning to find their own agencies. It took me until practically today.”
Brooke's own words. There you have it, old man. Truth. Two adults, me, and now Brooke Shields, who were sexualized as children, have clearly stated that the "agency" word you used to describe young broken girls on "Not Cool," is the one thing sexualized children do NOT have. Every sexualized child has ZERO agency. That IS what is stolen from every single child who is fucking sexualized. That is IT. That is the crux of why child exploitation is a truly horrendous crime. That is wtf I mean when I say that you will always know if a girl is a victim of child exploitation. Any, EVERY, girl who shows any interest in an old man like you, has experienced some form of sexualization. Such girls have ZERO agency. They have been exploited sexually. A girl who has never been sexualized, who has been raised to start developing agency, will NEVER be interested in any adult your age who fucks broken girls. That is fucking goddam truth. And in your mind, you KNOW this. That is exactly why you go after broken children. Because you CAN.
Apr 8, 2023, 7:24 PM
I know your mind is quite capable of takin little flights off into weird spaces, inside that old head a yours. Mine does it, too. This afternoon took some strange twists and turns, landed me having a coupla bizarre and serendipitous convos with a few different folks. Somehow, I ended up back home sitting on my couch, where my mind went completely rogue on me. In the space of about 30 seconds, I imagined the absolute craziest scenario ever. I have no idea why in the fuck this came to me. I am tryin to shake these cobwebbed thoughts the fuck outta my brain. My head has lost its damn mind. Like to hear it? No? Oh well. Here it goes.
Imagine you, and Brooke Shields along with some of the women who spoke during her documentary, and maybe, I don't know, maybe some well known attorney who prosecuted that asshole doc nasser mf'er, all doing a WTF podcast regarding the growing epidemic of childhood sexualization. No, old man, this is not some trick scenario to fuck with your head. My mind seriously saw this, in a brief flash in my head. All I could think is how, since last Sept 1st, you have been getting a real onslaught of information, from Bradley Whitford, Brooke Shields, and of course, a never ending barrage from yours truly. Dude, you could be a real, honest to higher-power fucking hero. No, NOT one a those bullshit patriarchal motherfuckers who climbs some child's hair to rescue some goddam underage damned-to-hell damsel in distress. We have already established that you have ZERO business being in the vicinity of exploited children. No. I mean, you now have a much deeper understanding of how the actual fucking futures of innocent children are thrown under the giant wheels of predators. Gather up those people our age and older, with experience, like Brooke and Alice and those who have battled predators, like attorney David Slader in Portland, who was part of fighting the Catholic church. And Bradley Whitford, too. All those who understand well everything that is forever destroyed and erased with every child who is sexually exploited. Get these people talking. Get this conversation going. Jesus fucking christ, this conversation needs to goddam happen, right fucking now. You could make this happen. My mind fucking saw that group in your garage, in an imagined kinda panel, doing something truly heroic, truly worthwhile. For less than a full minute, my mind could envision such a group.
Okay, take all the time you need to laugh at the dumb slut in the PNW. But old man, you know I'm on to something. Come on, Maron, you know there is something good that could come from such a gathering, such a discussion, such a group of diverse humans who know exactly how much sexual exploitation of children damages such a large number of humans. Do something truly helpful. Call out those who act like you have, call on those who have personal insight, help end the lives stolen and destroyed by sexual exploitation and re-exploitation.
Too crazy? Yeah, I know. Just my brain, seeing something that is not now, or never in the future, gonna stand an ice-chip's chance in hell of happening.