Saturday, April 29, 2023

Blather. Rinse. Repeat


This is an email I sent after listening to more of Mr. Maron's older podcasts, and feeling ill at how free he felt to speak openly about exploiting much younger girls, how he was "resolving" their issues, and in the same breath make fun of them for those painful issues.  He would make fun of their behavior, laughing at their expense.  He was purposely picking broken girls, girls who were at an age he refers to as being a "child," when he speaks of himself, or even his own parents, at that same age.  A girl that age would never think to look at a 46 yr-old man unless she had experienced the very type of sexualization that creates the exact problems Maron then makes fun of them for having. Publicly.  He has made money getting laughs about the mental and emotional issues that are inherently going to be present in the very girls who are programmed to respond to grooming old men like Maron.   

Yeah.  Things haven't changed.  They may be worse.  Shit, it is no surprise at all to me that teen girls are self-harming and killing themselves at higher rates than ever.  Nobody is protecting them.  

Anyway, here is an email I sent as I was contemplating these sick truths last Oct.:

"Blather. Rinse. Repeat.

Oct 6, 2022, 7:26 AM

If you walk around thinking your dick is a supportive resolving essence unto itself, I can start to maybe understand a couple of problems you display or even speak openly about. First, I bet you don't think of yourself as a "flasher." I bet you think that you were giving that girl on the set in Canada a "gift," a chance to be "helped" by the maron meat. Setting aside the absolutely gross and degrading emotional trauma such perverted behavior causes the victim, there is nothing about your dick that has ever helped anyone solve anything emotionally. Ever. And this brings me to the second problem. The broken girls you love to be "daddy" to, think you are offering to love them forever in a real, true way, which is the healing they are longing for. Telling them you are "resolving" their "daddy" issues sounds like you are offering to step in and give them unconditional love forever, which is at the root of the very real issues they need to resolve. They have already been objectified, sexualized, and abandoned. They assume you must want to give them what they missed out on, the real, unconditional, non-sexualized love they need. You are grooming them to let you repeat the abuse already done to them. Of fucking course they glom onto you and do everything they can to keep you from abandoning them. That is the promise you made to them by using the word "resolve," by telling them they are special and mind-blowing, by getting them to tell you stories of how each of them experienced abuse. You made the promise to "resolve" their pain. You wrote that word into your jokes. You have said it publicly. The broken girls truly believe if you were just going around re-abusing young girls, society would have gotten you in trouble long ago, an old celebrity who has been doing this for decades. No wonder you have had stalking problems and are always trying to extricate yourself from a toxic relationship. Your basic "resolving daddy issues" dogwhistle is a blatant grooming lie, set up to draw in the broken child, and their broken mind cannot deal with having to see you were only abusing them exactly as their abuser already had abused them. That breaks them into even more destroyed pieces, and you do not give a shit. You are creating damage you cannot begin to understand, all so you can get off on their original pain. You have no call to ever blame a broken girl for the way she acts to try and keep you from leaving. You caused this, as the old man who knows exactly what he is doing. You have the age, the power, the status (a celebrity for a long time, and now you're in kids movies, mother fucker), and the expertise at phrasing your grooming dogwhistles. You, your dick, and your predatorial beliefs have never, and will never, support or heal anyone. Ever. Read it again: You, your dick, and your predatorial beliefs have never, and will never, support or heal anyone. Ever. Think this again. Say it to yourself again. Lather. Rinse, Repeat."

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