Apr 18, 2023, 7:06 PM
Just claim ignorance, maron. Just say you had no idea how it redamaged sexually exploited young girls, for you to be misusing girls whose issues were way more self-destructive for those girls than any man ever said, every time you heard how so many men in this patriarchy have been pressuring and lying to each other and younger males, over the 59 years you've been alive. Say that it is only within the past year you have started to understand how sexualization and objectification leaves broken children with no agency. Say you are only starting to understand how your past words and behaviors were harming already terribly harmed girls, whose lives are being stolen from them by the patriarchal bullshit in this country. Then, say because you now know better, you are gonna do better. Be open about how you will start to catch yourself posting or saying words that will draw in young girls, and you stop yourself from doing it, because now you understand that is grooming. Be an example for those men who look up to you. Speak out about what men who target broken girls are really doing, and how men need to stop that behavior. Speak up against the systemic patriarchal behavior you have ignorantly been taking part in. Tell your audience to encourage girls to be more than our society markets to them as toddlers, sells to them by sexualizing little girls with dolls and clothes that started being blatantly sexual, as feminism started to open up the world for women in the 60's and 70's, like that one woman was explaining in Brooke's documentary. Be a leader for a cause that no one ever does a goddam thing about. Seriously, Maron, what better person than you to speak out about this, what better place than your platform that you can bring redemption to by using that platform for good instead of re-exploitation, what better fuckin time than now?
God fucking damn it, this hurts so bad. I'm no honorable person who can do anything for my group. I can't do a goddam thing. Nothing.
You, if you faced all of this in honesty and a true desire to cause no more harm, could make a real fucking difference. Get Bradley Whitford and Brooke Sheilds. Include the women who spoke with true mature understanding about all of this in Brooke's documentary, not those brainwashed broken little girls who still have no agency and simply parrot what predatory men manipulate them to say, but mature knowledgeable women who commented throughout that documentary, women old enough, stable enough, to speak with agency and understanding.
Jesus, what a dumbass I am, thinking anything I just wrote will do anything that could reach your heart. Nothin I've ever written anywhere, ever, is ever gonna stop the destruction of the group I belong to. Not goddam one thing.