I was asked, "Why are you posting these?" "What's wrong with you?." And told, "It's time for you to shut up."
My reason for writing these is still what it was, on April 26.
What's wrong with me? Decades of watching those in my group being blamed and re-exploited over and over. Knowing exactly what predators like my old adventist principal, predators like Marc Maron, are saying to con those younger members of my damaged group. Witnessing both of these men claim to be helpful decent people who stand against the mistreatment and abuse of women, while leaving the minds of already horribly broken little girls much more damaged when they are done with those girls, and not caring at all. Marc Maron has publicly been doing this for over 30 years. He has spoken of these girls from the stage, laughing about how the symptoms for diagnosing BPD, symptoms first shown to Maron by an actual therapist, are symptoms that make for great sex, but the actual damaged human girl suffering behind those symptoms, is simply a "lunatic" Maron feels nothing for when he is done, and she is suicidal, pledging her love and begging him to recontact her in posts. Harming herself. Taking a picture of a gun in her possession. Of course, on the Blocks podcast, he defended his behavior with the only thing he cares about: it's all legal.
So, Maron's been publicly speaking of this behavior for 3 decades. I have been speaking out against this behavior for 3 weeks. I think I am the wrong one to be sent messages saying, "What's wrong with you?" "It's time for you to shut up."