Monday, May 15, 2023


As I watch what ongoing behavior continues to occur, I may add a new post now and then.  Like this one, today.

Mr. Maron continues to post from his recent special, to his groomed audience on tiktok.  His last couple of posts are about abortion, an issue Mr. Maron uses to portray himself as an ally for women.  If one listens, and observes his behavior and words over time, those words and behavior tell a different story.

In referring to abortion, he has many times said it is a man's issue, because any man with "game" will have had to convince a girl at least once or twice to get one.  My teen children were provided with information and condoms, in order to learn responsibility.  "Game" had nothing to do with any of it.  Behaving as responsible adults was the goal I knew my kids needed.  

Mr. Maron makes it clear, in a number of places online, that he never uses any form of "protection."  Yet he continues to fuck girls with mental and emotional issues who are of child-bearing age.  A 59 yr-old man who does not want children, does not have "game," he has a real problem with being a responsible much older grandpa-aged adult.  His obvious responsible choice would be to have a vasectomy.  Much less invasive than anything females go thru during their child-bearing years.  

Lockerroom stories about "game," focusing on and grooming teens with serious issues from being sexualized as children, refusing to take any personal responsibility, all while portraying himself as an ally.  His victim with the gun has no ally in him, or in his followers who refuse to speak up for her.  

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