Monday, May 1, 2023

Hornets' Nest

"Who's gonna hit that hornet's nest?"

Oct 20, 2022, 5:46 AM

In the Dopey podcast, you bring up something that I have heard you mention before. You say you are a codependent, and you mention that you cannot say no to any "lunatic" who approaches you. You say you cannot set boundaries. You also mention how nobody said anything about what was going on when you were with redacted name. Do you believe all this? Is it totally subconscious dishonest rationalization that is going on? Because I think you have to know, at least semi-consciously, that this is all bullshit.

You easily set boundaries with every single person who is on record as trying to call out your inappropriate behavior with young girls for the past 3 decades. You react with a hostile set of words/tone that shuts everyone the hell up. The interview in 2018 with the Guardian, I think it was, is a perfect example of this. A man questioned you about your inappropriate joke that was on your website. You immediately used a vitriolic diatribe that tried to make that man appear to be the predator. Interesting tactic. I've been seeing a lot of that in politics recently. trump uses that technique quite a bit. Blame-shifting, I think it might be called.

Have you seen how you react to anyone who tries to say you are doing something wrong by preying on young girls? You were hostile when somebody asked who your niece was back when she stayed with you. "Back off!" First words outta your mouth, yet a couple sentences later, you make it clear that of course you are always seen around with young girls. Nobody wants to suffer a Maron attack. And nobody ever gives enough of a true shit about broken girls to risk themselves against you for the sake of that broken girl. So, between your hostility, and your ability to twist recovery words around so you can call yourself a codependent, you are left in the clear to go to the very fucking meetings that you damn well know many broken girls are guaranteed to be attending (or draw those broken girls in on social media or by hiring them, etc), prey on those girls under the pretense of helping/hiring them, all while knowing full well when you are ready for your next young girl, the broken girl you purposely went out to find in places you have no business being is going to be easy to call a lunatic, will get the blame for "using" you and you were just "too codependent" to say "no," and you do all of this because you are a predator who uses hostility and blame-shifting to keep anybody from calling you out for what your behavior really is.

You have zero problem with boundaries. You set them all the fucking time. And you buddy up to young broken girls in recovery. Those girls are talked about online in unkind ways. Apparently the ACOA groups will be under attack by you soon, if not already. You have a problem with preying on sexualized girls. 

Closed men-only SLAA. That is the truth." 


"Heart Stung

Oct 20, 2022, 6:27 AM

Why in the fuck do I hit the fucking hornets' nest? Redacted name's bitten nails. 

I am redacted name in 24 years. I am every broken, sexualized, objectified child out there. What are you gonna do? Call me a lunatic slut? Send law enforcement to my door?  (🤞!!)  Pay someone to kill me? (That last one would remove me from this hellish life men like you created for me, so yeah, I'm quaking in my fuck-me thigh-highs)

You won't ever suffer any other consequences.  Nothing is ever going to happen to you.  Society, these girl's families, law enforcement, none of them are going to do anything to protect these girls you re-exploit.  So I will keep sending emails that speak the truth. Redacted name's bitten-nails hurt my heart more than ANY other fucking goddam thing this hornet's nest can do to me."

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