Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 I was asked if I gave up, if that's why I stopped posting.  No. I said what I could say.  I have done what I could, to try and help current and future victims.  This ongoing problem is not something I have any other control over.  So now, I wait.

What do I think will happen?  That’s a two-parter.  First, I hope future potential victims will be protected, on sets, and in audiences, as well as elsewhere.  I have already been told that some people would not be upset to be subjected to the crime of indecent exposure.  I have actively using friends, who are not upset when someone comes over to them and offers to sell them some "blues."  Doesn't make that crime any less of a crime.  Indecent exposure is a crime, and it is harmful.  Parents I know most certainly don't want that crime being committed by people marketed to their children.  Each person signing on to work on a set, has every right to expect this crime will not happen to them on that set.  I hope such future potential victims are protected.  I hope Mr. Maron's sponsor and/or close friends can help encourage him to use the tools he knows well from AA, to bring an end to his behavior that harms and re-exploits others.  Lots of people, myself included, enjoy Mr. Maron's comedy.  I don't want Maron canceled.  I just want this specific harmful and illegal behavior to stop.  

Do I think this is what is going to happen?  Gotta be honest.  No, I don't.  I think Mr. Maron and a great number of his fans will laugh with him at my expense, and laugh at and encourage his harmful and illegal behavior toward other girls from my group.  And the whole point of these posts since April 26 will have been forgotten.  A hurting girl with serious issues has a gun, and was in crisis recently because Mr. Maron knowingly targets and grooms damaged girls with BPD.  To me, there is nothing about that I find humorous.   There's not a porchview in the world that could make me find that humorous. 

Many of Mr. Maron's fans think congress should be doing something about gun crimes.  But in this very situation, they may laugh about the damage this gun could do, simply because the girl it is most likely to harm is from a group that can be used, laughed at, looked down on, and thrown away.

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