Sunday, May 7, 2023

Some help

I know a lot about being misdefined by others.  I am happy to clear up some recent misdefinitions.  Here is a snip of one recent comment about my words:

"...just a fan who’s parasocial fantasy is going unfulfilled. It’s creepy.Don't go to Instagram. It's a mentally ill person rambling incoherently about child sexual abuse. They occasionally reference Marc, but it's clearly unhinged."

When writing, some things lend themselves to certain points of view.  I have an earlier post from years ago, where an assignment led me to write from 3 different view points.  No matter the point of view, all of the writing is from me.  I cannot know anyone else's point of view, I can only know what is occurring in front of me.  

I wrote my first email, after my millennial moment, entitled "Well, hell," because Mr. Maron has mentioned others contacting him regarding subjects that concerned them.  In that email, I explained why his referring to girls with BPD as lunatics who were fun to have sex with but otherwise crazy, was actually hurtful to girls with "daddy issues."  I know Maron does not tolerate fools well, but with a subject regarding mental illness, I did expect this to rate somewhere near his concern for not harming people by using the R word, or telling homophobic jokes, which was behavior he had decided to change when those harmed by such words reached out to him.

Once I realized this was not a subject he felt warranted any concern, my feelings came out on paper, as my feelings do.  I'm a writer. My style of writing can be defined as anyone wishes, but it simply is what it is.  I once wrote a poem about a heron flying over.  I described it in the manner I write.  If that manner appears to be parasocial or insane or "all over the place" to others, I guess I am not the writer for such people.

Do I know Mr. Maron?  No.  I do know his predatory behavior.  Well.  As do his victims.  Guitar players know his talent on a guitar.  Comedians know the work that goes into his profession. 

How I wrote about Mr. Maron's predatory behavior is my writing style.  If others choose to ascribe their own emotions onto my words, all I can do is remind them of the whole reason I made these public, which I have made clear a number of times here.   One of his current victims has suicidal ideation, and a gun.  That is why all of this, since April 26, has been posted here.  No other reason.

"I know from experience it's better stay away from such a disturbed person. Don't expose your brain to the toxicity."

"Hopefully he will block the person and the texts will go away."

"Agreed to hoping the person gets help. Zig zagging storylines all over the place."

You know what would help?  Stopping the behavior that causes harm, ending the hell that has created the writer I am. 

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