I have discovered for myself that when I can have a glimpse of another atrocity explained in words about atrocities I have personally witnessed or experienced, I am better able to understand what another person is going thru. Metaphors can be a form of this, a way to help people step into someone else's shoes, see something from another person's porch.
I am about to paint a picture of a truth, by using a current situation in order to give a clearer picture of an atrocity that is ignored, and even laughed at, by those who don't understand what is really happening. I have done this before, in my post, "Inconvenient Truth. " This is something that I don't feel completely comfortable doing. In grabbing a headline from a current news story, I know that I am not sticking with using my own history, and that means this may be viewed as me trying to tell someone else's story. I am not trying to do that.
I do not know exactly what others are going thru, or will go thru in the future. I am not speaking for anyone else's exact experiences. I am just trying to explain what CSA/trafficking survivors face, the re-exploitation that they often go thru for decades. So many people hear about a teen girl being sexually exploited, and their response may be a lascivious grin, an ascribing of agency to such a child, saying that the child understood exactly what was happening to them, and asked for it to happen. Traumatized children are unable to know anything that is happening around them. Trauma creates thought processes that are not capable of comprehension. Unless a survivor of such trauma gets real help, trauma leaves them unable to understand the things they are going thru. They are the perfect victims for predators. Their symptoms, the way they react, the inner pain they need to have healed, all of these truths leave them intrinsically susceptible to predatory behaviors.
What follows is some examples of survivors of a real-time situation, who from now on are going to be highly vulnerable to predators, who are statistically going to be at a higher risk for mistreatment, because of circumstances beyond their control. They will not understand what is happening. They will not know which "helpers" are safe, and which ones are re-exploiting them. It is up to society to speak out for these survivors, whenever somebody is misusing or re-exploiting them. The reason such trauma is horrible is not just the hell of the moments these survivors experienced during the original trauma. From now on, there are predators who will literally get off on sexually exploiting these survivors, under the guise of helping such survivors, or telling such survivor's stories. That is the lifelong consequences created when the original trauma is happening.
I am watching, as I type, the BBC coverage of the exchange taking place, between people who have been held against their will by others. The news shows pictures of these victims. Do you understand what is happening in real time, as the pictures of the child hostages are being shown? There are adult predators who are seeing the photos of children who have been held hostage, adult predators who are turned on by imagining what these children might have been put thru. If that idea doesn't piss you off, doesn’t fill you with anger or fury, you may lack empathy, or even be a predator yourself.
In the next few years, some of these children will be interviewed by others. Their stories may be told in books or movies. They may make the rounds of podcasts, including WTF. Some of the interviewers will use their access to these trauma survivors to get off. This cannot always be stopped. But when interviewers have a decades-long history of sexually re-exploiting young female trauma survivors, those survivors should never be blamed. They should be protected. Predatory interviewers should be called out for re-exploiting survivors.
Go look at the pictures of these people from both sides who are finally being released. They are going to be vulnerable to predators, for many years. They need the protection of all of us, because their trauma will leave them unable to spot wolves in "helpers" clothing.
Marc Maron should never be interviewing any of the young afab hostages being released today. He should never be sponsoring damaged young girls in 12-step/recovery groups. He should never be marketed to children. He is a danger to every young female being traumatized this second. None of them are at fault when he re-exploits them. None of them are safe or helped by his re-exploitation.
In Inconvenient Truth, I named a specific child, because I wanted to make readers place a child's face onto the survivors predators like Marc Maron get away with re-exploiting. Too many people viewed 13 yr-old me as some sort of mature, knowing, calculating "siren." I was not that, at all. I was a damaged child. Full stop.
Look at those humans being released today. Look at them. All of them are now vulnerable to exploitation. The young females are going to be vulnerable to the kind of predators who re-exploited me at will. It is time for this re-exploitation to stop.
Protect these trauma survivors being released today. Do not excuse or allow the Marc Maron's of the world to further damage these young trauma survivors. Stop letting predatory adults get off on the pain of children.