Saturday, August 19, 2023

Coupla questions

 Marc Maron was recently on Annie Lederman's podcast.  He mentions a couple notable things.  

 He says he has spoken of others' mental illness before, but he almost skates past this admission by saying he has some mental issues himself.   I have yet to meet a person who chooses to behave in a predatory manner who doesn't have such issues.  Spending 30+ years chasing these girls, leaving these vulnerable much younger girls in worse condition, ignoring suicidal pleas and referring to these girls as being great to fuck, while calling them "lunatics" when he is done, is not normal mental behavior in my mind.  Doesn't excuse that behavior, either.

And that brings me to the 2nd thing he said.  While once again trying to say these girls are the ones at fault for coming after him, he said he is unable to say "no" to having sex with these girls he has been drawing in since his Conan days when he started asking teen girls to "throw him a bone." Considering how many underage girls have responded to his grooming for 30+ years, this is troubling.  Does he check ID's? That would imply he is quite capable of saying "no." In saying he can't say "no," is he simply fucking them all?  The child he is currently giving a guitar, is being drawn in by him.  Will he say "no" to her, when she responds to what he is choosing to do to her, to get her attention in the first place?

These are the questions that need to be followed up on, to protect children.

Edited to add a response to something I figured I might see mentioned eventually.   Less than an hour and a half later, someone said, "Of course he isn't going to get sexual with a friend's teenage daughter."

So, it's wrong to groom and fuck a friend's kid.  But not other teens?  Why's that? And once again, deciding not to fuck a friend's kid, after getting her attention with an expensive gift, implies the ability to say "no."

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